Decided to start up another Battle Royale soon, and in light of the recent discussion about future expansions and possible fourth races, I've landed on a racial battle. The StarCraft universe not being a simple thing, and me not having an unlimited knowledge of it, you can post all the races you want here. All viable ones will be put into the first round of the Racial Battle Royale, which I'll start up just after my yearlies (which is about the 15th, 12th at the earliest). Just to clarify, things like the Terran and UED, although the same race, will be counted as differently. Despite how I, among others, believe that they're not separate from the Terran, they're too different to put under the same banner in this case. Depending on people's views, the Protoss may also be split into High and Dark Protoss. At the moment, they won't, but feel free to argue. Zerg broods will not be split. Obviously Tauren and other practical jokes will not be counter as they don't exist. So, just to start off with the basics; Protoss, Terran, Zerg, UED, Xel'Naga, Hybirds, These'll obviously be the main contestants, but feel free to post the more minor races. All viable races will make it into the battle.
why not divide protoss between dark templar and high templar? and the terrans between all their factions?
If the Protoss are split into both the High and Dark Protoss, then they'll have a split vote and be at a huge disadvantage overall. It's like if there was a poll on whether people prefer hot colours or cool colours. On average, it'll be a fifty-fifty split, but if you start breaking down one into its components, then they'll be at a huge disadvantage. So if the poll was between hot colours, purple, blue and green, on average hot colours will get fifty percent of the votes, but purple, blue and green will only get about seventeen percent of votes each. The only reason I raised the Protoss issue was because I clarified that although it's a racial battle, the Terran and the UED are too different to be grouped together. With the High and Dark Protoss, they're still the same race and they're both unified, so there's no need to split them. Also, why would the Terrans be divided into their factions? It's a racial battle. Besides, do you honestly have a preference on each of their individual factions? Maybe it's best just to think of it this way... It's a battle between all the races that could potentially become the fourth possible race, plus the current three. It's obviously not a poll as to which you think will be the fourth, just your favourite race overall.