I havent really checked if this was already discussed or not, it's just I want to tell em before I forget these things. 1-) Wouldnt it be awesome if the score at the end of the game could be customizable? Like in a lotrish game, have scores for number of heroes killed, spawns destroyed, etc.... 2-) Will the map ed include variables instead of ****ing yes/no swtiches? How about Case scenarios? (For all of you who arent involed in programming at all, case scenarios are, in simple words, a lot of "IF". The IF checks for a yes or no (If Player one has at least 1 unit.... It check if it has it or not), while cases checks for as many as you want, 1, 2, 3000... (Case Player 1 has 1 unit... case player 1 has 2 units... etc) So far that's all I've got :O Thx
I this kind of thing will be a good idea for user made missions packs. Like *bring X number of a certain unit to a specific place". If that was a mission object. You could use your scenario to program it in. But you wouldn't want the game checking for the units all the time though. Well if this didn't slow the game at all it might be ok. And to directly comment on your idea. it'd be useful for some tournaments. That are a set length of time. The winner or loser is determined by a different way. Say the most zerglings on the map at one time. Or the most marines on the hill at one time. Or The unit with the most units at the end of the time limit wins. This would spice up the game. For multiplayer. But if it's used just as an informational tool, then I'd have to say no. I rarely if ever study the results screen. I just read if I won or lost and by how much. Then on to the next match. I don't think there'll be enough interest in something like this. But hey I could be wrong.
the8thark, those things are already possible in the SC editor, if I'm not mistaken. They're there, it's just that they died out because there was no demand for them. Lombar, I don't think these ideas were mentioned before, and they would certainly open up new possiblities. The problem with the two you mention is that a) there will be no heroes in multiplayer without UMS and b) spawns (are they summoned units?) aren't important in the SC universe. What matters is who wins. I can't see the need for customisable scoreboards outside UMS maps, and UMS maps will offer infinite possibilities, including changing scoring and the way it's displayed, I would think.
Ok, that proves you know nothing about programming.. that's ok tho.. I'll try to redo my explanation. Think of cases as 8 IFs in one. Instead of doing if 1, if 2, if 3, and needing lots of triggers to do that, you could use case in one trigger. It would speed up a lot the programming of ums. Of course, Kuvasz, everything i wrote was for UMS only. The information the screen shows already lets you know everything you would like to know for melee maps, and you dont need triggering on melee maps, so yeah... ums. God.. that was just an example you could use in lotr style ums.. In cat and mouse you could use a "how many mice the cat got" score, etc etc...