I've noticed that some SC2 related sites will or already have submitted their questions for the upcoming batches... So I wonder why are we not having any part at this at all.. This question goes straight to joneagle
I have always known that Blizzard does not care of this forum and our community. A chance that JonEagle sends our questions. They should even have a look on this site. On Google this site is the largest SC2 community. And we don't see any question of this site in the batches. Don't we have good questions or are we not interesting for Blizzard ?
We have had quite a few of our questions answered in previous batches. Other then that, our custom batch has been submitted ages ago. They're all outdated anyway. Further, there are plenty of pics on the site with Jon standing right next to Karune and such. So yeah, they noticed this site.
Oh ! A chance ! There were a lot of good ideas and suggestions those last time so it would be great if Blizzard gives some feedbacks soon.
Yeah, surely. But from Blizzard you know what 'late' means. It's like what "taking our time" means .... a couple of years.
The point is what happens now... Noone has asked anything from our community till now for the upcoming batches...
By the way what question can we ask again ? Most of the important questions have been asked and answered. BUT as Blizzard modify a lot of elements some answers are modified too. The answers follow the changes.
Well it could be this: At times Blizzard has no new SC2 info for us. That being no info or no info they want us to know. And since most of the SC2forums questions are really good mostly about stuff we don't know about. So they just use the other forums silly questions about stuff we all already know. Just so they can be seen to be keeping the public informed. When in actual fact they're just passing around the same old info over and over.
True. And also they can't give final info like those for the units. Just see what happened to the Thor. Its characteristics are now very different from the ones we knew some times ago (in 2007 if I don't make a mistake). That's why I think Blizzard decided not to provide us with final informations about the units and structures as far as they are not sure of the final characteristics of them. The Thor for instance is not built out in the battlefield now, but in a Factory. And it does not move slowly, The "mega" attack is different ... Blizzard warned us in 2007 in the 1st Blizzard Convention in Seoul that what we will see will not be final. Indeed, we see now the huge differences.