Hi there, I got a question about terrans in starcraft story. In the game every race had to make a base every mission almsot, but I doubt in the story when a terran army for example the sons of Khoral or General edmund Duke's army had to wait until they have a freaking base with supply depots, barracks, command center, MINING MINERALS!?!?!? so they can achieve there mission. I mean for example when Kerrigan was sent to Tarsonis I think to defeat the protoss ground forces, I don't think you have to make a base and make some units, no? My theory is that in the story when they had to go on a planet they loaded there gound forces from the battlecruiser into the dropships and they just went there and fought withought the need of a base. Maybe a bunker, or Turets for defense. What is the real answer? Did the terrans made a base or they just went from the battlecruisers to the planet, defeated the protoss/zerg/terrans and they got evacuated back to the battlecruiser?
Well, duh. It's not like "OH WE HAVE TO GO TAKE OVER THIS PLANET SO LETS GO FLY OVER A COMMAND CENTER WITH SIX WORKERS AND BUILD OURSELVES UP OVER THERE SO WE CAN TAKE IT OVER." They just fly over troops and blah blah blah, the rest is history (or lore). But if the game were like that there wouldn't be as much involved. It would be pure micro and luck (based on what units you send over vs. what units your opponent sent over).
@Caiaphas: Yes I know, they wont make the game without bases but I wasn't sure thought if in the story they did the same thing or no. Thanks for your answer.
It's Gameplay vs Story segregation, where things that crop up in the game are skipped, and vice versa. Terran forces are transported by ships, usually troopships, and they skip most if not all of the buildings. In Speed of Darkness, the base was pre-fabricated, and there were no minerals or vespene harvested. In Heaven's Devils, not only are bases always pre-constructed, but vehicles are stored (not produced) in factories, and factories take months to run out of minerals (a key plot point in one of the battles). Furthermore, enemy "bases" often consist of vehicles (such as a command vehicle, comm vehicle, fuel transporter, etc). Hope that helps.