do any of u have verzion fios? j.w if u do how much better you think it is then comcast and can you change your ip with it?
fios is fiber.. so its fast as hell. I would stay away from verizon though only because they have the dumbest techs and the worst customer support of any company hands down.
You can change basically with any ISP, I remember dark_night[E] had fiaos you might wanna ask. IDK much about their customer service, I would go with DSL! Best bang for the buck, as you know cable is always overpriced :/
Dear Kim, Thank you for your message concerning the Comcast High-Speed Internet service. My name is Angela and I would be happy to assist you with your internet concerns. I understand you would like to have a static IP address, however, the residential package of Comcast High-Speed Internet service does not use any static information. Our network is set up to use all dynamic (or DHCP) settings. Your IP address, subnet mask and DNS server information is all automatically assigned. Primarily, this allows us to perform upgrades to our network without major impact to our customers. If you need static IP addresses for business purposes, we do offer a couple of plans that are not geared towards residential use. You can find more information about these packages by visiting the following link: To assure the proper tracking of this issue, we have created the following customer service ticket: 163735346 Please refer to this number should you contact us regarding this same issue. Thank you for choosing Comcast. Sincerely, Angela Comcast Customer Care Specialist that is the best response ive gotten from comcast ever trust me verzion cant be much worse... 1 comcast people on the phone have hung up on me EVERYTIME 3/3 TIMES IVE CALLED THEY HAVE HUNG UP MID SENTENCE....2 when they need to come out and fix an error on THIER PART 1 they have never been on time(not late a few mins late a few hours or a day... or on the wrong weekend?) 2 when they get here they never have the proper tools 3 they will sit there on the phone in my livings room for 30 mins... so lets reveiw,,,, comcast: Rude people over the phone that dont answer ur question simply say no and hang up when someone is called to come out they come on the wrong day or 4 hours late without notice and arent prepared to fix a simple problem that is pre described to them and act very un profesional when at my house lastly they dont even help u at all... besides that ONE email they have never helped.. oh anddd the little tv box thing they gave us yea we had to send that back 7 times in a row because each did not work properly so yes comcast is on my last nerve annnndddd im paying 75 dollars a month for just phone service to a house phone that 1 the answering machine is on mute and all the phones are on mute no one uses the phone and no one bothers to even want to notice that it rings infact i cant tell u the last time ive touched a house phone.. we all have cell phones that we use sooo so bascially carlos u cant change ur ip
Like i said YOU CAN, they might wanna directly help you... Mostly changing MAC address will do it, if you had only a modem would be a lot simpler >> Look at 2nd page
hehehe I have a full proof way of not staying IP banned. I can get logged off for flood chatting, being IP banned but i have a secret that almost no one else on knows. And its stupid simple. PPoE =]
PPoE? Like Dial up you mean? @Cow, dont say you havent been warned. @2Can, DSL may be fine.. but if it were up to me.. I would def pay more for faster net. The ISP's hold out on the residents big time people dont realize how much faster and bang for our buck we should be getting. Ignorance is bliss
i know they are holding out.. its like this if we have a server that we can give fake number here 25k people internet off of (good internet) but at the same time we can take that same server and give 100K people (****ty) internet for same price... which would u go with? like hell people know u said it urself in ur tech storys about people going i cant get to my email... is ur computer on? how do i do that? rofl
PPoE, Yes, dial up, however, there is a way to use PPoE with DSL, which I do. I can change my IP any given time of day. The way it really works though is, I have my REAL IP that my ISP gives me, i use a PPoE connection to give me an IP on top of that IP. So reads my 2nd IP. So even if i get ipbanned, i can get back on fairly fast becuase its all a matter or renewing my second IP. Education is pOWER!
No, his ISP just uses Dynamic IP address and allows him to assign it using a PPoE connection (within' a certain range). It can be configured to act like a "Dial-up" version of DSL. Like if your IP address was and you set it to range. My ISP gives me a specific range that I can set individual computers too if I want... :\ win win. [Edit] Most IP's have a renewal process just a matter of knowing what it is.
question how do you get a modem to work as PPoE? i dont quite understand. i thought ISP just renew your IP ever X amount of days.
change ur ip urself downie its not hard, if ipconfig /release ( wait 20 mins) ipconfig /renew doesnt work just do ipconfig /release then unplug for 24 hours then replug and it should be changed. thats what i always do
It's whether or not your ISP and/or Modem supports it. Most modems can use PPoE all you have to do is go to the Modem Setup, in which case just setup a default Windows Broadband then assign it as needing Username / Password, Properties > set the IP to the standard range ( then it should be #.#.#.1 - 255) and it should connect with that IP... If your ISP doesn't support it or if your ISP sets you a different range then where your IP falls then you just won't connect (to my knowledge). As for renewing / resetting your IP manually it's different for each ISP, Google it. I connect through a gateway and my ISP gives me a set amount of devices with separate IP's so I cannot do it otherwise I would test it myself, but I'm pretty sure that's similar to how it works... maybe. -.- ALSO, use the same DNS and Gateway as your connection is currently occupying and adjust your IP up a few digits. This won't work if you are working through a router, if that's the case then you'll have to assign the Modem to a specific IP. (which may end up being easier, I have no idea)
ohh, if i wasnt mistaken i thought i was on i think i should get a life like u and reach 1000 posts, then ill be cool like "cow on fire" definatly, rofl but srsly, i would i know cuz i have comcast, they wont change it u gotta do it the way i said or some other way manualy