Hello peoples! once again i need to call on the brainiacs and ask.... I have a: Dell Inspiron 530 intel core2duo 2.0 E4400(i think and yeah it sucks...) 4 gigs of RAM 299gb HD came with a nvidia 8400GS Now, i'm planning on buying a XFX ATi HD 5830. will this work no problem? EDIT - i was also contemplating on two GPUs the 5830 and the GTX460.... Someone please help. lol Please let me know. Thanks again!
I doubt that the PSU is strong enough for a Radeon 5830 (which needs as much power as a Radeon 5870 under load) or a Geforce GTX 460. Those cards have a power usage specification of ~180 watts. You should first check how much power your PSU can deliver. Anything below 400W is most likely not enough. However, a Radeon HD 5670 should work fine, since it only consumes ~60 watts.
Another vote for the HD 5670. Besides, your CPU's going to be a bottleneck anyway if you choose a high end GPU.
WELL, i should put more info into my original post lol ! my bad. I am also going to upgrade the CPU as well. Is there someone here that can possibly help me with something? It's a DELL so i have a service tag (i think its this, im at work right now) : DTPFHG1. When i checked the parts&upgrades last night it showed options for core2quad CPUs. I'm confused. i thought if your 530 dell was a core2duo unit then you can only upgrade to a higher core2duo unit. but dell recommends/shows core 2 quad CPUs for upgrades...? PLEASE HELP!!! lol! thanks again!
Well i pulled the trigger and bought a 5830. I realized that the 500w PSU that I bought was not good enough for the GPU. so I went and exchanged that for a 600watt PSU and it seems to be working fine now. Hope this is good enough for the time being... I still want to upgrade my CPU But that seems to be a tad bit more complicated. I can seem to get any info from my Dell service tag. And don't know how else to look up the mobo for further information to upgrade to another CPU.
We need your DxDiag information. Go to Start -> Run -> Dxdiag A Direct X Diag tool will appear. You can then hit "Save all information" and it will save to a text file. Copy/paste that text file into your next post. We can help you more once you've done that!