hi guys, i was searching the internet for starcraft clan and i found empire and joined, but i have one question how do you join the clan ingame? and for introduction im a 14 year old male from canada that likes to play as the terrans and my favourite unit are the marines. -i also have 1 more question about chat, how do you log into it cause it says my name doesn't exist -how do you link your forum acount to your clanempire.net acount (they have different names cause forum username reached max character limit, my clanempire.net username is 89th_shock_troopers. i tryed logging in with my clanempire.net name at first but it said name doesnt exist so i thought i was supposed to make 2 acounts and link them -how do i gain ranks in the forums
1. Hello 2. ? Are you sure 3. Not exactly sure 4. Its simple really, post more, gain more. Look at mine, I believe once you hit 50 rank up. Thats your closest.
1. Welcome to the Forums! 2. I'm not in any clan (I usually call up IRL friends if I feel like playing), However I believe all you have to do to join a clan on B.net is add [*letter*] to your screen name, so ShockTroop[E], for example. 3. Not sure how chat works anymore on SC2F, but I've heard its residents are less than welcoming. -EDIT- 4. As Sniper64 said, the more you post, the higher your rank. However, this doesn't mean you should go and spam all of the forum sections in order to gain rank. Here are the rules to our site, in case you haven't read them yet.
I am the admin of the clan site. Hold on I will try to figure out what happened. EDIT:: No logs of you registering at all yo. PM me and we will get this straightened out.
*facepunch sniper* boy that was fun I am Lenga, the shadow that traps the demon flames, the fallen angel above the clouds, the safe cape that only darkness can provide also, i eat brainzzzzzz!
Wooow Wooow calm down sniper *kicks him in the groin* Oh yes Welcome to the forums Shock Hope you enjoy your self sanity (while drie eats your brains )