I am just begining with Starcrafts map editor, so I am curiouse, is there a way to make, new heroes, apart from renaming those wich are listed in the editor? (excuse bad english)
no, you cannot create your own custom heroes. use heroes that are already made, and edit their information. there are 4 different kinds of hero ghosts, 3 hero battlecruisers, and other multi-hero units. just look around at them.
It's possible to make new heroes IF and ONLY IF you are an experienced modder. But since you say that you are new to map making, you are only limited to the units provided in StarCraft Campaign Editor, however there are unused units that are available through special editors such as StarCraft X-Tra Editor. If you would like a listing of StarCraft Map Making tools, please click here.
imagine is right, of course... i just always categorize modding and map-making in to 2 different subjects. so if i say something cant be done with mapping, then it probably can be done with modding...
No problem Ower8x, however I will be honest with you, My modding knowledge is next to nil. But I am betting that with sufficient time and dedication, I am sure you will be able to mod up your world. There are several tools out there and most serve specific functions, so you would have to load up on quite a few tools. Also if my words are not in the "inspiring" department, I can at least direct you to a site with modding tutorials. Check the community over at Campaign Creations.
Very possible to do that, If ya like I can teach you the basics of triggering for leveling up and custom experience as well setting hero hit points to a % and giving minerals and gas. As well basic spell casting systems ^_^
lol. sure. ;D i only know how to create a unit when it levels up. but i have to change the type of unit, that's why i can only limit to level 3.
Moogle is one of the best people to have around when it comes to RPGs. Also, upgrade levels can reach up to 255!
Josh, Just pm any questions you have about rpg or triggering. I'll pm you back with trigger and how works what each thing does and alter ways of doing things if ya like ^_^ as well as few other things.