[1:36:38 PM] <i.TiNK> who r u [1:36:40 PM] <i.TiNK> ? [1:36:48 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> I am MotherGooSe[uF] [1:36:50 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> I just quit [1:36:54 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> after 2 yrs [1:37:10 PM] <i.TiNK> if u werent in lame uF u'd know y [1:37:13 PM] <i.TiNK> join E [1:37:16 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> I am in e [1:37:21 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> u see HasTle[E] [1:37:23 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> right there [1:37:24 PM] <uF-GooSe[uF]@Azeroth> that's me [1:37:29 PM] <i.TiNK> .. [1:37:36 PM] <HasTle[E]> sup [1:37:55 PM] <i.TiNK> hastle [1:38:00 PM] <HasTle[E]> yes [1:38:02 PM] <i.TiNK> u=mothergoose[uf]? [1:38:22 PM] <HasTle[E]> yep [1:38:25 PM] <HasTle[E]> yep yep yep In a case like this, it is ok to ban the player who admitts to being in 2 clans at the same time? its clan hopping and i want to know how is this handled exactly. Also was wondering if E does allow double tagging cause some members have asked questions i feel are related & its easier to get the facts in black and white.
well i just found out an hour later cow got his boy hastle to leave uF like an hour later..but i'd still like to know how it woulda been handled
If you read the site, It should cover something related to clan hopping. In a case like this, i would ask them to choose one tag, If they choose our tag, i would monitor them closly. If they chose the other tag, i would ban them until a better decision is reached. But there are other alternatives to handling something like this. I dont mind members leaving, but they have to officially resign/quit the clan. If one day, they are on, and another day, they are on another tag, in channel, I would ban them instantly with a messege. I usaully ****list people. Anyways, It is hard for some, in Gooses case, to change from one clan to another, so he could go back and forth. Methling almost had the same case, as he was stuck between confed and us, and another case with 2can, and brownman, where they quit to join ls, and came back to clan [E]. It all depends on the situation. Loyalty and servitude should give a member who double clans a minute to explain why he is double clanning or let him explain why he is. Again, its on a base by base situation.
Ok i have another question. back in the day alot of clans aloud double tagging.. so u would see like KoG^Myname{bA} as an example. I know it isnt very popular for gamming clans and its really a dead art now.. especailly since you cant illy anymore.. but i have been asked by someone who i will remain random because it was a simple question, that basicly was interested in being apart of a sc gamming team. Basicly a clan but for strict gammers like how x17 was, if u know what im reffering to. I said i'd bring it up to find out if a double tag would be ok in this case. I said it wasnt.. but want to see your thoughts shadow.
shadow dont talk about Ls, it was the persuation of thegame and sitauation of clan lets hope that doesn't happen again
Sorry shadow. *history lesson* Basicly back before private ops was disabled. Alot of warring clans would double tag. to show almost legionsy to 2 clans.. or it was a result from a merge so like for example you would have Clan A={bA} who was allied with Clan B=KoG^ some of the member would desplay a double tag as in KoG^namehere{bA} to rep both at same time... despite belonging to one clan as a home.(prob {bA} in this case. like i said its a dead art. Some old illies still display it as an example but its before ur time shadow. My question tho is, is it ok to double tag in the senario of joining a gamming team. I really dont care personally.. and can be left as a No but i just wanted to verify it for future reference. Someone came to me and asked if it was ok to Join a gamming team with its own tag.. and it isnt really a clan in the aspect of E so i wasnt sure of my answer since i dont know about E and double tagging.
If someone from our clan wanted to join a ICCUP or other, gaming team, i encourage them. If they decide to leave, no hard feelings. We try to focus on getting members better, such as Nster has done ( a fine job ) and others. Does that answer you question?
ya i suppose it answers, tho it isnt along the lines of Iccup. i dunno, **** em ill jus say its No lol.. its a touchy subject
you silly goose. Dude, what does rank have to do with wanting to understand the rules? You question was obviously shrouded in grey.. its better to make it black and white so a proper decision can be made
yea shadow lets not talk about that agian lol and lookin back then at clan situation and today big is a diffrence in members and the clan almost died out back then ehhh atleast we came back and stayed loyal and btw [E]ssss for life