Karune Q&A from Battle.net Boards Karune about the next battlereport Karune about early game units Karune about comic contest Karune on Dark Pylon Changes Karune on Overlord's Current role Top 5 Questions: http://www.starcraftwire.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1842 Karune on units stuck in the forcefield. Enjoy, Seradin
Good job, Seradin! Always keeping the community informed I admit I'm relying on you as well right now since I'm not as into StarCraft 2 news as I used to be so I can't get the information on my own. So, that's why I thanked you Anyways, hopefully the Battle Report will come out soon or else it'll be too close to the beta to really be of any significant use. I'm guessing the beta will be announced in August at BlizzCon so unless the Battle Report is released by May then the entire Battle Report series idea was a complete failure.
Grrrr, can't wait for the TvZ!!! Hopefully the next Q&A will have some juicy information to tide us over until the Battle Report
Update: Karune on Signing up for Beta: StarCraft II Beta Key Opportunities: Karune on Marine/Marauder Usage: Karune on a update to creep tumors Thanks for all the Thanks hope you enjoy my informatio Hey thanks for the news post Jon keep my name in mind if you happen to come across some beta keys from blizz for the forum Seradin
So, basically, a force field is only a force field for a unit on the outside trying to walk through it - it's nothing for someone exiting, or for weapons firing either direction? Doesn't sound like much of a force field to me...
i think it will help...for example if someone is zealot bombing then you force field your neck and they cant pass through while you can pick them off.
You can plug your choke point with it. The ability to completely eliminate enemy melee attacks, even for a short while, is awesome
You could use a combination of the stalkers blink ability and the nullifiers force field ability to create a temporary wall between the enemy force and your stalkers allowing you to attack the enemy from a safe distance before the force fields wear off, then when they do warp your stalkers to the other side and create another force field wall allowing you to do even more damage to the enemy force.