Batch 45 has finally come out after a long wait, but it was well worth it for the amount of information in this week's Q&A. The devs sit down and discuss the new mechanics for hallucination and the queen's mutant larva, while Karune answers some questions about the Zerg that any Zerg player should take a look at. As a special treat, this weeks Q&A ends with a "weekly blue roundup" where Karune has answered some questions straight off of A lot of good information is in it, with a rather large section on the Colossus. Overall it's a good Q&A, giving a lot of information to help put to rest some of those questions that appeared after BlizzCon. Chat with Devs: After BlizzCon, it has been very exciting to see all the feedback from the fans and pro players about the latest build of StarCraft II. There was lots of noted feedback about both the Colossus and the Nydus Worms (which we are currently polling on right now in the gameplay forum). At my most recent meeting with Dustin, we decided to chat about some of the lesser focused on topics, that have undergone quite a few changes since the original StarCraft. Click below to read the full article! Source:
yeeaaawww finally i say w00t but i still rkn the stalkers are abit OP with their uber blink. Maybe make the cooldown abit longer?
I like the idea of the Seismic Thumper. A sort of Terran Ensnare that you can kill with forcused fire. It's a pity it won't be in multiplayer, but it will certainly be interesting in singleplayer. (And I can easily see a Dune or HL2 custom map that uses these!) The new Hallucination kinda confuses me. It seems to me that they can cast units of their own race, but can't use it on enemy units as was possible in the original? I don't like the idea of the "No Carriers and Archons" limit. Blizzard is supposedly against arbitrary limits, and that is pretty arbitrary. I think it could be solved with a higher-level upgrade (like Adrenal Glands at the Spawning Pool in SC1) that enables them later, say, unlocked by the Twilight Council or Stargate. The Molecular Disruptor sounds fun. That's all I have to say. It seems a bit expensive considering the fact that it has a set upper limit on damage, but I suppose the fact that you can't dodge it, or even run away from it, beyond having the luck or skill to separate the currently "infected" unit from the rest makes up for that.
Very Good.. But I still don't like the Thor ... altho an art remake can probably help it a bit.... I'd still like the first thor that was introduced.. btw if the thor's still built from the factory.. then it still sux lol
Very nice, though I agree with Ace, the stalkers look a bit overpowering with the blink ability and they should increase the cool down time.
Dood I posted on the other Q&A 45 batch.. D: Anyways, What I said was something like W00t, Awesome batch. Anyways, one last question invades me D: Are non-Zerg units gonna be able to enter the Nydus Cannals or is it gonna be like Sc1 were this was only possible for zergies
Kinda nice. would love to see some damn single player campaign screenshots for once however. and some questions and anwsers on the map editors capabilities would be nice too...
In the original, fake carriers didn't have any intercepts, to avoid the confusion. Molecular displacer is going to be very interesting to use. Rofl, that would be a little intimidating to bear.
So the Thor switched from a super-marine role to a super-goliath, right? I can't believe they considered the classic hallucination skill under-used, that skill had an incredible potential... Protoss lose something here in my opinion, and in addition that ability to spawn large amounts of probes or units you technically can't train/build yet sounds easily abusable to me... A point I am not sure to have understood correctly: can an a marine use an allied Nydus path?
I hope their is still 1 unit in the game that can Mind-Control a Worker so you can own all 3 races Serious game this was useless, but in CPU fun games, it was awesome. 200 PSY, Control, Supply worth of, Collosi, Ultralisk, Thor coming out of a single Nydus Worm.
when are they updating the site? at least change the changed units, and probably more pics, oh and the new stuff from blizzcon 08, and beta information, and...and..more stuff