This may seem a bit weird cus i understand zerg have more problems than most but today ive played 11 games, ive only lost 3 and 2 of those were to a zerg ( 1 to a protoss cannon rush... ye... ) anyways i like to think agasint P or T i really know what im doing atm, im only in gold league but even so i know what counters best ect, But zerg i seem to fall apart, the only thing i really know how to do is repel a speedling rush, but after that i litreally fall to pieces, i have no build order or plan ready, im going to link a replay where i thought i had won the game, he tried rushing i beat him back. Got to his fast expansion and killed it, went to his main and admitetly got raped by his errrrr.. spine crawlers i think there called, next thing i know hes got about 6-7 errrrr... mutalisks i think there called ( the flying things ) and he proceeded to beat my main base. i used a mix of zealots/stalkers/senturies, i teched up a robo and had a collosos out, none of which helped. before anyone says i know i should have scouted the spire, the funny thing was i had an observer in his base i just didnt recignize the spire. My question is if i just mass chargelots and stalkers would this be easier rather than wasteing minerals on tech? i think im to used to playing agasint terran tbh :/.
Vs zerg 2gate or 4gate is very common, or 3gate with 1 robo for some immortals vs roaches and later colossi. Vs zerg stalkers always are powerful, so get a decent amount, if he goes mutas, buy them the blink upgrade, he'll lose quite many mutas when harassing from that point on. About 2gate or 4gate, 2gate means building pylon and then 2 gates, chronos boost out 3-4-5 zealots asap and then pumping drones, often followed by 4gate or 3gate + robo, guess you can imagine how to do, and then get a mix according to the army of the zerg u see. Especially go for 2gate if he fast expands, the zealots will hurt and be kinda hard to kill. There are some other things you can do, like early phoenix harass. I don't know an exact build order, but you get a stargate asap and when you have about 3 phoenix, go ahead and lift off his queen and shoot it. If he counters by building queens and/or spore crawlers transition into ground pressure, anyways you'll have forced him to go aa or at least killed a queen. Proceed scouting the map and sniping overlords, that sucks, believe you me. You may also lift of one or another unsuspecting drone and snipe it. For more in depth advices, better wait for the protoss players around here
It might be worth playing a few games as zerg for a while, get into the mindset and understand whatd conceted to what in the tech tree and what units counters what.
/agree. zelot rush is very simple and common, in later leagues ( gold or higher ) it wont necessarily work. Plus you wont learn how to use protoss by just doing a simple zelot rush.
not a fan of zealot rushing alltho tbh it sounds like a good way to beat people, ive tried 2 gate/4 gate but it seems if i get zelots hell just go mutas, next time i play them ill try blinking stalkers.
as draco spirit says, you should be playing a couple games as zerg to learn more about em, and so you later on know what to counter with.
i like to 4 gate vs a zerg it works rather well. just rember when you push with the 4 gate to build a proxy pylon, and expand. the expansion is key to later game strat which will involve temps chargelots and blink stalkers. though generally it is hard for zerg to hold of the initial 4 gate push setting up for the next step is always a good idea.
i know why im struggling, im asking for advice, yes im new to the game well done for pointing that out, hows the view on that high horse btw? If you dont want to advise me theres no need to be a **** about it.
I think there has been some good advice here vs Zerg. Three or four Gate, with a Robotics. If the Zerg has Roaches, build Immortals. If he has Mutalisks, Blink Stalkers. If he has Zerglings, Zealots. Plus Charge Zealots is great in this matchup later on, prevents us Zerg players from avoiding battles. Ok let me see. You need Warp Gate technology to be able to warp in Stalkers by the time he has Mutalisks. If you see any sign of Mutalisks, warp Stalkers in by your mineral line. Try not to fight where Spine Crawlers can hit you, especially in a game you were winning. It sounds to me like that is where you lost it, had you backed off and massed the game would probably have gone better.My 2 cents