Hi everyone, How do you Protoss players deal with early Marine/Marauder/Tank ? It's almost inconceivable to me to beat terran when they do this fast. Marines and Researched Marauder are already a problem on its own (I believe there are no counters to marauder in toss tier 1) and how in the holy mother of fuc* am I supposed to minimize the brutal damage Tanks cause from like 500km away, while I try to take out the damn MM? I think the best option MIGHT be fast voidrays, but if there is early aggressin with marines and marauders, I'll probably get my *** handed to me. Please, help!
Yeah this is an early strategy that Terran player use a lot and its really hard to beat. Here are a few good strategies: 1. Templar tech. Get a fast Twilight Council and resaerch charge immediatly. The Zealots with charge will dominte the mauraders even with the concussive shells, and are good for flanking the tanks and killing them before they do too much damage. If ur going this way, have an army consisting mainly of zealots and sentries (you can use the force field to cut off the mauraders so they cant kite the zealots). Stalkers arent as useful because mauraders just tear them up. From here, you can go on to high templar, and use the psi storm to absolutely destroy the MM balls. If you do this, make sure you research the Amulet upgrade as well, which lets the HT's cast storm straight out of warping in. 2. Robo tech. Get a fast robo facility and go immortals. Even one immortal can turn the tide of an early battle against mauraders. If you do this, you should have an army thats a good mixture of sentries, zealots, and stalkers, with some immortals mixed in. Then, if they continue to go lots of mauraders/tanks, the immortals will dominate them. If they go with more marines, tech up to collosus, which will shred their infantry (dont get collosus against marauders...it just dies to fast to be worth the cost). 3. Air tech. Get a fast stargate, and start getting pheonixs. These can be very useful against tanks, because you can use the gravity beam to lift the tanks up, even if they are in seige mode. This will stop them from dominating your army. If you do this, your ground army should again be well balanced between the three gateway units. From here, you can them go voidrays for harrass/map control, or tech up to carriers/mothership which I've never tried. lol Hope some of that helps. =)
the hardest part of countering mmm is having enuff time to get a robo out and teching up, if you do this the game should be ures, the post above got it spot on, immortals agasint heavy maruder, collosus should be used but you need to weigh up cost vs effectivness, your right in pointing out T1 toss has nothing cept maybe a sentry that provides any hard counter to a bio ball, zealots with charge are godly if the terran cant micro well. psi storm is good, but if your in higher leagues its very costly, practice with it to become effective, as for air support, well VR's early to scout/harass his minerals lines will buy you time to tech up, alltho easily counterd by there missle turrets. If you get rushed early its all down to microing well, if he holds back you should be able to counter well with immortals. some stalkers to focus on the medivacs will also help. after reading this i played a 1v1 as PvT and instead of trying to tell you, you can see what i do to counter his mmm i did make some mistakes, i didnt expand as quickly as i wanted to, i built a forge but forgot to put a few cannons down, But youll get the point. Build order isnt perfect either, but this is agasint a gold league player.
^^ This guy has some very valid points. The MM combo can come very fast, in higher level games even as early as 5 or 6 minutes in. Make good use of the sentry's force field to block your ramp and split their forces until you can get charge or an immortal. Yes, the HT tech is very expensive, especially on gas. If ur gonna go that way, get both gasses very early and try to expand early as well. Stalkers are good against Medivacs, especially if you have blink. Also, the HT's feedback ability is great against the Medivacs cuz it takes away all their healing energy and hurts them. One last thing, no matter what in Pv T, void rays arent going to be effective for long. They are either gonna get tons of marines, put missle turrets (which are really cheap) around their bases, or get vikings which will totallu dominate the VR's. I wouldnt reccomend using them except maybe in the very early game for harrassing.( if you get the speed upgrade, they can also be usefull for map control, since they outrun the vikings).