;D Hey everyone, since Blizzard will probably start taking names for the Beta soon, I wanted to see what lengths people here are willing to go through to get into the Beta so they can PLAY STARCRAFT 2 ON THEIR OWN COMPUTER!! I was thinking that it might be a good idea to create new email addresses and register through different email addresses. Only a limited amount of people can get into the beta and it would be devestating to not get in! Their must be ways to tip the balance in our favor. What are the ideas here for the best, most obsessive way to get into the SC2 beta? -Prodigal 8)
I don't know how beta testing goes as I've never been part of it. I think I'd just keep a sad and quiet profile around here and hope that some of the more important people up there will feel sorry for me and decide to cheer me up with a beta key ;D
Fenix is lying. The Beta key requires a full 200/200 and a functioning Fleet Beacon. Anyway, I've already demonstrated a fairly high level of insanity... getting a job to pay for the trip to BlizzCon. I still have my fingers crossed that the beta keys that were given out were SC2 beta keys and not WoW expansion beta keys. If I don't get a key from that, or activity on the forum, I'll just suck it up and wait for the final release.
Me love Blizzard long time! Honestly though, I believe Blizzard will only pull beta testers from the battle.net forums.
And of course I don't have a battle.net forum account, I'm too busy on this one. As everyone knows, there is the possibility of blackmail or threats, but doing that on a multi-million dollar company may not be a very bright idea.
I have an idea, Jon will catch Karune off guard as Furrer poisons the guards then me and Eon will pounce on him while Fenix and Vasz tie him up. As they are tying him, Meee and Imagine will carry him into the boot of Neon's Vulture. From there we will meet a Prodigals secret Bunker and interigate Karune so Darkone can work his magic.
Neon, LIES! You need to mind control an SCV and build 20 supply depots. And it doesn't work if you just be terran.
Well based on the WC3 and The Frozen Throne beta, Blizzard will actually offer the beta registration through their webpage, but only for a small window of time. I mean you would have like just a few days or something to register. So I am going to register for through all of my email accounts, unless that woud dis-qualify me. So Ill keep my eyes open and make an announcement thread the moment the beta goes up on Blizzard (or someone else will!). Stay glued to your sits, don't eat, don't bathe, the beta is coming!! :good:
All lies! You need a total of 200 population for all three races as well as full tech for all three races.
I think they'll have a closed beta for the first few months but make it an open beta from then until release. I think that's how they did it for WoW, because I was in the open beta for a few months.