Psionic Rift (Pylon Spell)

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Arachanox, Aug 25, 2007.

Psionic Rift (Pylon Spell)

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Arachanox, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    Psionic Rift

    Pylons essentially power the Protoss, giving them energy through a very complex system involving the Kharydian Crystals. This process is volatile, however, as we learned in the secret mission 'Dark Origin' as the Terran scientists under Duran had their faulty Pylons explode, along with the Stasis Cells. The Protoss know of the explosive potential of these Pylons, and thus have created a system to help defend their bases in times of desperation, thus developing the Psionic Rift. When a pylon explodes, its energy will normally expand and dissipate, hurting anyone who happened to be standing right next to it, but if channeled properly, the pylons can become psionic bombs!

    Psionic Rift would be a spell researched at the Nexus for a cost of 400 minerals and 400 vespene gas. Once finished, the pylons gain a button that says 'Destabilize Pylon'. When pressed, ALL buildings in its power range lose power for 15 seconds, even if there are other pylons in the area. Three seconds after the button is pressed, which includes the pylon sparking and crackling as the energy builds up pressure, the power is released in the form of a massive psionic storm that covers the entire area of the pylon's power and a little bit further. Following this, the pylon explodes and is lost.

    This is a dangerous tactic to use, because any buildings in the area that are hit will generally lose all their shields and maybe a good portion of their health. It would easily kill all your probes if it was near them, and enemy units would take massive damage as well. I know how players would most likely warp in pylons all over the place, especially chokepoints, and create 'minefields' of these pylons. To help balance this out, during the three second period of 'overloading', the pylon loses all its shields and goes down to 50 health, making it a very easy target to take out; if it is targeted in time! Also, since the pylon will be noticeable glowing brighter and having sparks come out of it, players can also simply move their units away from it, if they are quick enough.

    In the end, this would balance itself out by following a Starcraft standard; it's good and cool...but it sucks in the hand of a noob, and it rocks in the hand of a pro.

  2. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    First do psionic storms affect buildings? (i dont remember this from the times i have used HT)

    Sceond while i really like the idea it seems like it affect the enitre pylon radius is a much it seem overpowered to an attacker and it might be difficult to use a defender who still has units to defend with.

    Third would it do more damge than a normal psionic storm?
  3. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    First: In the original Starcraft, psionic storm does not affect buildings. I am not sure about Starcraft 2, but this special storm does deal damage to buildings, since you are overloading the power systems of the buildings, causing them to internally explode. Ouch.

    Second: That's a sacrifice defenders have to make to gain a powerful attack. Do you Destablize the pylons, lose half your army, and most of your bulidings health in order to wipe out an enemy's rush? Players would have to judge quickly; "Is it worth it?"

    Third: Yes. This Psionic storm isn't a gradual lose of health, but an immediate blue wave of electricity that shocks all units into taking damage instantly.

    Thank for replying!
  4. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Thanks for the answers it helps me visualive your idea. While i really do like the idea of abilities that make players think "Is it worth it?" (I had couple ideas with the same theroy for carriers) right now (without knowing the numbers) the ability seems like it would cost to much to make work effectively. The one time i see something like working really well is in the beggining as an anti rush device because it would most likely kill any tier 1 attacking units.

    My suggestion to make it more effective (while still maintaining some kind of cost) would be to reduce the radius some and make it not effect buildings. (your still paying 100 minerals and taking a loss in supply and time for 1 psionic storm which in my opinion should do about as much as a normal psionic storm but instanly or over a very short duration).

    Overall i really do like the idea of giving the protoss abilities that require sacficing units and buildings (that have soome other effect so the sacrifice wouldnt be what the unit/building was built for) because that is the way the protoss are fighting now and it is self balancing.
  5. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    I suppose on second thought that you are right in saying that its radius would be too large. The power radius of a pylon is large enough already, but doing damage over that would probably be imbalanced. I still believe that buildings should take damage as a negative, but perhaps I can negotiate it this way: Any buildings caught in the blast lose all shields and lose shield regeneration until power is restored, 15 seconds later. As for the damage, I say that a high damage is necessary or else no one would take the risk. However, your idea of dealing the normal psionic storm damage instantly would make sense too.

    So, in revision, after three seconds, the pylon would explode, dealing a psionic storm's damage all at once in a radius slightly smaller than the pylon's energy radius. All buildings caught in the explosion lose all their shields, shield regeneration, and power for 15 seconds. The pylon is lost in the blast.

    Revision suits you?
  6. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Im just making suggestions its your idea state it how you wish.

    Also what happens if multiple pylons do this at once? (and maybe the better question is would it be worth it to have more than one pylon in a cluster do it at once?)

    I would really be interested to see something like this tested because it seems like something that could be easily balanced and add a new defence for the protoss and a new mechanic for the pylons all in one.
  7. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    If multiple pylons were to destabilize next to the same building, the building would lose its shields, regeneration, and power for a total of 45 seconds. Pylons are also immune to the power loss (but not the shield loss) of other pylons since they supply their own power.

    Also, it brings to mind the capabilites and strategies. What if a person build three pylons in a large traingle shaped formation with a few phase cannons in the midde? The cannons would attract enemies, which would quickly be subject to the wrath of the pylons...
  8. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I would think that the loss of power should only last at most 10 seconds and not stack becauseyou are already sacrificing alot (100 minerals and supply fo basicly a large aoe scarb) and the power loss would make that much harder to recover from. ( could imagine not have power for a barracks or stargate for 15 much less 45 seconds?) Now that i think about it my suggestions so far have been aimed at toning the original ability down because it would be easy enough to do it with multiple pylons.
  9. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    Ah, I see. You're saying that players would build pylon clusters and detonate those. In that respect, then yes, the effects should be toned down, or be at least non-stacked.
  10. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I just say that because players already have to build alot of pylons so if pylons had this ability they would porbally build them in clusters to taker advantage of it.
  11. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    Well, that's why they lose all but 50 hp when you activate the ability, so that quick players can take them out before the three seconds are up.
  12. joshin

    joshin New Member

    Jul 5, 2007
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    This sounds like a pretty cool idea. Though, I feel like the high cost of the research and the risks would make it a bit unused. I support it though and you explained it so well that I feel Blizzard should add it. :]
  13. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    it sounds cool, almost a little like the moon wells in WC3. It might be a good idea, but it's a bit pricey. also if u need to destroy you're pylons it's probably gg, but i'm sure it can be usefull in some situations.
  14. MyWifeforauir

    MyWifeforauir New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    Damn Arachanox you have a lot of ideas at your disposal... The duration of the buildings losing power is a bit too long me thinks. Maybe 10 or 12 secs? Hmm once a pylon starts to destablise would there be a chain reaction between the neighbouring pylons or is that too imbalanced and only the selected pylon will destablise
  15. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    @DontHate - Pylons are cheap, and building a small cluster of 3 or 4 at a chokepoint may deter an enemy from trying to move troops there, at least until they get Guardians/Siege Tanks/Upgraded Dragoons.

    @MyWifeforaiur - The timer might be a bit too long, but the pylons don't set off a chain reaction. However, if pylon A is in the radius of pylon B, and pylon B destabilizes, then pylon A would lose shields and its shield regeneration for 10/12/15 seconds. It could still destabilize, because it has its own power. However, Gateway C in the radius of either A or B would lose all power and shields and couldn't build anything for 10/12/15 seconds.
  16. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    A very cool and original name ;D and yet a very dangerous tactic indeed good idea Arachanox
  17. Hunter

    Hunter New Member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    Yeah it is a good idea, but protoss has it already at the phoenix. I dunno but they are almost the same and Blizzard won't give almost-the-same abilities in one race.. well I don't think they wanna give an ability for pylons at all. They can be used as walls, to block ramps or something, they also provide psi, but that's all..
  18. venado

    venado New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    Its a good idea.... will this affect air units?

    Maybe, a global cooldown (once you activate a pylon, can't activate other in a period of time) is a good improve to balance
  19. Arachanox

    Arachanox New Member

    May 22, 2007
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    @MarineCorp - Thanks. ^_^

    @Hunter - I was just thinking about taking pylons a step further, and also, phoenix's overload is different because it doesn't have a waiting period, it doesn't power down buildings, and it doesn't destroy itself.

    @venado - I suppose it would, to a lesser extent.

    Thanks again for all your comments! I'm going to be theorizing another unit soon...the Abyssal...