I'm getting to the skill level where I need Psi Storm in late game to win, does any have any micro tips or anything like that? Also, has anyone had any luck with storm drops in SC2?
Really? There's a certain skill level where psi storm becomes necessary? Seems like I haven't reached it yet Um, I was under the impression that since it was nerfed heavily, it wasn't really a viable option. The few times I've seen someone use it... they lost.
The decrease in range and damage isn't all that bad when you consider that Psi Storm is now smartcast. versus Zerg, Storm is king (a fact I learned the hard way).
Psi Storm can be really important in late game against huge armies, especially in pro-level play. But I don't know how to micro it correctly. Ayanami-What league are you?
Psi storm is still one of the best spell casting ability on protoss I say. Although they do significant less damage than sc1 but they still do chunks of dmg if placed well. Not to mention feedback on Templar is incredible so why not get psi storm to make Templar more awesome.
Psistorm is necessary at a certain level~ I'm in plat solo/diamond 2v2 ... and HT are NEEDED vs MMM. Feedback ghosts/medivacs (so that the EMPs don't kill your shields) and storm the mmm.... they're really, really, really, useful. My ally and I were 25-8 in 2v2 rank 4 diamond before the last reset. I also found it useful vs zerg. Especially since archons destroy mutas. ________ Mercedes-Benz R129 specifications
Honestly, psi storm was hardly nerfed at all. The radius is smaller... visually. However, pretty much everything in this game is smaller and moves slower relative to the screen size, so getting psi storm spammed all over your screen is even more of a death sentence for your army than in SC1!
Hey : superamazing Imo, to use storm correctly, you have to make sure the templar is close to your army. I see a lot of players kind of move their forces and templar gets left behind. Because the storm takes about 1 second to cast (the animation), the strategy is to kind of predict where the enemy is going especially for Terran Bio ball, they can be quick. My friend and I are doing a strategy series on things like psi storm and EMP. Here is a video demonstration on of the Psionic Storm Strategy
I've noticed recently that a lot of Husky's casts show effective use of psi storm. Here is one in particular that I remember.