All, I'm a silver league player, ranked in top 10, with over 100 games to my belt. I feel like I'm a "decent" player, who can regularly beat gold prot or zerg players. However, Terrans are giving me fits. If I don't beat a Terran with Cannon Rush or Zealot rushing during the first 10 minutes, I'm dead. I'm able to combat most aggressive Terran tactics during first 5-10 minutes effectively, but once the players go in "hunker down" mode, I either get blasted by a massive air or ground assault. I've tried voids, carriers, cyclops, etc., with no luck. I usually can build 2 to 3 bases, but eventually the Terran wears me down and obliterates my massive army. Any good tips specifically for a Protoss player that is in a long game with a Terran. I have a 80% win rate against similarly ranked zerg and prot players, but an 90 loss rate against Terran. Thanks in advance.
As a Terran player I can tell you some things that have really knocked me down when playing late game Protoss. Terrans typically build their barracks and depots at their choke as you probably know, getting Stalkers with blink really makes this defense useless early on, later in the game they may have sufficient MMs there to take down your Stalkers, but if you have a reasonably large army ready to go in, you can take out the Siege Tanks with your Stalkers to allow your main force to get in easier. That's the main thing I can think of at the moment.
don't forget about the mothership, she can be useful. void rays, with collosus back up, and maybe some immortals may work well. another thing to think of is while you go with this attack in the front, or the side, on the other side of their base, get the flying pylon thing (can't think of the name) and start warping in Zs and stalkers while there units are occupied with your other attack force. voids big weaknesses are small units, like marines, especially when they are not fully charged yet, having the colls there will help out alot, especially with their range and cliff climbing abilities
advice from a platinum league protoss- 1st ignore the mother ship guy 2nd scout with obs constantly if he is going for infantry get collosi or ht's and grab an expo pronto 3rd if he is meching get stalkers with blink and you should be fine also make sure you are a protoss player many new players choose protoss because they require lower apm and look cool but it doesn't suit their play style
Platinum Terran here. You can give me a lot of trouble with Blink Stalkers, Colossi (if you can protect them from my vikings), and Void Rays if you can sneak them around into a good position.