I'm a in a bit of a bind. I've been successful with Zerg until i reached the upper silver league (division 2-5 ish). Now that i've run into a bit more skillful players i'm finiding protoss to be just BETTER than zerg. Any ideas? Please only post for 1v1 and if ur upper silver league or better.
I find the complete opposite i smash toss but i really have trouble against terran. You will always beat a protoss army if you have a good balance of zerglings roachs and hydras. Muta's later on can also be very helpful to harass. Most toss players make far too many stalkers which are really very bad in a straight up fight. Just make sure your hydras are being protected by roaches and you'll be fine. If they field colossi hit them with mutas or corruptors. How do you normally play zerg anyway that could be helpful to know >>?
If you could show a replay or two, we could be much more helpful. You can have many problems. (too few expansions, too small army, surplus minerals, too little knowledge of opponents units.)
I'm having a hell of a time against toss too, gonna up my next loosing replay in a single thread (or rather in this thread? What's better for the forum?) Especially these sentries which either make my ranged units useless or hinder zerglings/banelings from reaching their targets. Or void ray rush. I LOVE protoss. NOT.
@Marine freak That's funny because I win probably 8/10 games vs terrans... or more. I'll rush zerglings. If that doesn't work I'll go roaches or banelings. My problem when fighting protoss is I'm having difficulty with: A) defeating zealots/stalkers. What is the best counter to either of these? Banelings seem inneffective vs protoss but roaches seem a tad underpowered as well. Zerglings of course git ripped by zealots... I think mainly I just have trouble raiding their mineral line. B) Unable to scout enemy base. Lots of protoss players seem to be on top of killing changelings and anything else I send it generally gets mashed by their photon cannons before I can figure out what they are actually building there.
All races are balanced, its based on your gameplay and style. I feel zerg is best against protoss early game and better than terran late game. Toss usually always leaves an opening, you need speed-lings asap, to put early pressure, make run byes and attack his workers, and they are extremely good against stalkers, like marinefreak said, a lot of players build too many stalkers. if he has blocked off his ramp with a zealot, use banelings to bust through and speed-lings right behind. The only thing that can stop you is sentries with forcefields therefore you need to work on doing this fast, break into their backdoor, or back off until the sentry is out of energy and break through. You should ONLY go mutas if he doesn't have enough anti-air... generally when they see you with a lot of lings, they will pump out lots of zlots. the philosophy of zerg play, is that they can produce a lot very fast, so surrounding is the key weapon, you need to manage to sandwich his army/base