Protoss vs The World

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Blitz, Aug 9, 2010.

Protoss vs The World

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Blitz, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. Blitz

    Blitz New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    So I'm a pathetic little silver league player with hopes and dreams of earning my place among the diamond standard. My problem? I usually get my *** handed to me.

    In PvP I usually rush, because I can generally get out 4 or 5 zealots faster than my opponent can, and the match ends early. However, sometimes my opponent manages to scout this and prepares for it. When this happens, I usually lose.

    In PvZ I've had pretty good luck. I can usually get out early defense against their first few zergling using the same method I use to rush fellow protoss players. I then tech up to whatever I need, as reported my my scout. Not much of a problem with Zerg, truthfully, but I'd like to have more tips.

    The worst case scenario is PvT. Those jerks ALWAYS wall themselves in and then amass an army vastly superior to mine, because they don't need to fear my ground forces, allowing them to tech up FAST. They don't even need to scout with a unit when they've got that radar, so they usually scout out what I'm doing and counter it without fear of a real counterattack. If you guys help me with ONE thing, help me against the Terran.

    Thanks in advanced to all that contribute!
  2. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Get an observer into the terran base so you can see what they're teching to. Build the robo just after you get a cyber core and make the obs either the first unit or just after your first immortal.

    Many terrans will go mainly marauder early since they counter all toss gateway units, so you'll want to try and go either air or robo units mainly. However, still get zeals/sentry incase they decide to try rushing early-game with mass marines.

    The immortal is really good against hellions/tanks/thors with its hardened shield, just try to back each immortal away when it's shield runs out to reduce losses.

    If you see the terran going air units, stalkers with Blink can usually take care of it. Toss air can work too, just be careful around terran vikings. They will almost always show up if you go mainly air, and they outrange both voidrays and phoenixes. And without the void speed upgrade, vikings are faster so running away rarely will result in any of your voids surviving unless your base defenses are nearby.

    note: I am a terran gold player, so I know what toss units can counter my own ;) However, I dont play 1v1, so I lack experience without allied support.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2010
  3. Blitz

    Blitz New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I greatly appreciate the help, Eon. For some reason, I continue to forget about sentries and their amazing Guardian Shield ability. They REALLY make a difference against marines.

    I've also heard about chargelots as a possible marauder counter, too. Any idea on that?

    Again, thanks for the observation help.
  4. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Chargelots will work in smaller army battles, but in larger battles the marauder's range and slow ability can tip the scale in their favor, though I believe chargelots dont get slowed when they are charging. Still, you'd want a few immortals or colossi behind the lots for added damage. Even a few phoenixes with their graviton beam ability would held by lifting marauders in the back of the army if they dont have any marines with them.

    You'd also want to watch out for Ghosts since they can emp, which takes away 100 shield from all units in the affect radius, as well as nuke to clear expos and static base defenses like cannons. They aren't used much in lower leagues, but there is always a risk the enemy will use them against you since they are useful later when larger armies appear and blend in with other terran infantry.
  5. Blitz

    Blitz New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Thanks so much for your contribution. Do you have any tips against Zerg and Protoss?
  6. asmith88

    asmith88 New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    If you want to play in the higher levels I suggest that you don't mess with the cheese rush. What ends up is you focus so much on that rush, once you get beat back your economy is probably worse off than your opponent and you're playing catch up for the rest of the game. As for me, a Protoss player, best bet is to choke your opponent off at his ramp. Don't let him come down the ramp.. build sentries, zealots, to protect a "wall". Throw up a few Nexuses around the map (go for the gold) and tech up to void rays or carriers. A much more solid strategy in my opinion.
  7. Blitz

    Blitz New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I'd never worry with the cheese rush on higher levels of play. I know better than that, but it's the quickest and easiest way to rocket through the ranks. I went form Silver 89 to Silver 4 in a day.

    Right now, if I take a safer build, I get cheesed in one way or another. Whether it be a marine/zerg rush, or a cannon rush.

    I can cheese better, so I rush first.

    My only REAL problem is Terrans, but I'll get better. I just need ways to bust their wall.
  8. toochaos

    toochaos New Member

    Apr 29, 2010
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    zealots with charge do in fact beat maurders and day of the weak even with good micro the zealots dont care, and they cost no gas. chargine zealots are possibly the best front liners in the game if you have gateways research this when you can. terran can be hard to beat. i have been using a 2 gate collosus with range build. the timing to attack is when you have 5 zealots and the collosus you can use 4 chrono boosts before. getting the range and still have collosus and range out in time (use chrono on range not collosus) this does well (if you can get warpgate research to you kinda have to tweak alot of stuff to get gas timing down and chrono probes 4 times) after you get these proxy and warp stalkers as reinforcments in case he has a banshee or two out. i wont give a build order as im not sure of them. one tip is build a pylon on 9 and you can keep probe production going without interuption.
  9. Blitz

    Blitz New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    So, for terran, you speed to colossus? That actually sounds like a good plan, since the colossus basically says "Up yours" to the wall and walks right over it. It also deals with those bio units well, and has ample range on them. I'll try to speed tech to colossi next time. Thanks for your tips. I do wish you had a build order though...
  10. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    In many cases, it would be easier to go around it. With an observer, Stalkers could blink up a cliff into the base from the side and Colossi can walk up cliffs. The warp prism is a transport and they can deploy and allow you to warp-in units. You could even try warping in only a few units to pull his troops away from his front and then attack.
  11. Blitz

    Blitz New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I realized that, but I didn't really think to exploit that strategy. Thanks for the tips!
  12. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    Have you tried blink stalkers into the back of their base? that way you don't have to worry about the wall off.
  13. ZergFerguson

    ZergFerguson New Member

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I'm not a fan of the colossus v terran. Tanks own them and marauders don't do too bad, either. I prefer templars.

    I usually go for an immortal build versus terran. Having a few immortals is a life-saver against a marauder rush. If there is a back door with rocks, I will usually hit it once I have 2–3 immortals. Zealot/stalker/sentry with immortals will rock the terran at this point if there is a back door.

    When I leave to attack, I build a shadow council to get charge. Once I research charge, I build a templar archives. Then I research psi and make some templars.

    The templars are nice because feedback makes medivacs useless and psi kills marines by the bunches. Once you zap the marines, your zealots, stalkers, and immortals can wipe up the marauders and tanks.
  14. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    Immortals up front to negate the tanks, colloxen in the back with the upgrade (if you do not get the upgrade then you deserve to lose). That handles the standard marine marauder tank army.

    Honestly though, if you can contain a terran player and build up a strong economy, work on some void rays on the side. After a certain number of void rays they reach critical mass and are very very difficult to stop. I know it isn't the most creative solution but if you are having trouble finishing a match then that is a guarantee so long as you don't get rolled while they are being built (hence the contain/expand part)
  15. JDarque

    JDarque New Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    colossi with immortals should be able to tear down a wall (send in the immortals to attack, then the colossi) let the range of the colossi tear down teh supply Ds, and then send in the real army, the charged lots, stalkers, etc, and the colossi that are left.

    of course, the immortals are the sacrificial lamb to take the tank hits instead of the colossi. (if they target the colossi with the tanks instead of the immortals, the immortals should be able to do some hella damage to the tanks and/or supply depot wall)

    but, if you have colossi, instead of making immortals, make more gateways and stalkers, and just blink/walk up the sides of their base instead of going through the front gate. take your pick.

    if you have another ground army, charged lots for example, walk up the side of their base, when they bring units to kill the stalkers/colossi, send up the lots to take down the depots and go into their front. Multi front attacks make microing alot harder.
  16. gndiego

    gndiego New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I have a problem agains PvT as well. Every match I try to rush and put pressure on terran players, I get left out and killed from behing thosse barricades.

    So basically what you guys mean is that I shoudn't rush against terran and counter whatever they mass ou tech to?
  17. jamesjjj

    jamesjjj New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    +1 for high templer, they own those marine+marauder faster than colossus. (play the single player psychic challenge and you'll know the idfference) Not to mention they are easier to get compare to colossus. I think you can simply keep massing your zerglots with 1-2 sentries for guardian shield and have 3-4 high templer in the back.

    The terran's MM are always packed together just asking to be WTFPWNed with psychic storm.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2010
  18. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    you can use dark templars to break the entrance, but make sure you send a few at a time, so that when terran scans you, you will have more DTs to complete the attack


    use VoidRays to take out the entrance, abuse the range


    use colossi but its harder to tech to.


    send a warp prism and drop/warp some DTs just to take out the tanks. and bust through..
  19. gndiego

    gndiego New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    voidray might be a good option, but chances are Terran got a billion marines before I can get a good number of voidrays
  20. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    void rays are great in maps like medalopalis where you can easily fly into the back of thier base and charge on their command center and then start killing SCVs or just go for the economic throat and kill the CC.