Protoss Units Suggestions ( and Wants ^^)

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by 1n5an1ty, Mar 3, 2009.

Protoss Units Suggestions ( and Wants ^^)

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by 1n5an1ty, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    - Air attack for Immortal -> will help protoss anti-air, which sucks in comparison to terran's anti-air. Maybe balance it out by making the Immortal cost 260 Minerals and 140 Gas
    - Ground attack for Phoenix, will help protoss AtG, which is a problem i face in brood war =/
    - AoE spell for Phoenix.
    Ion Charge Overload Projectile -> option of damage to air or ground when targeting general area ( can only be either air or ground, not both)
    Needs to be researched /// 175 energy, instant 100 damage in an area with radius of 3, + 20 damage to light. Armor affects it.
    - Ideas for Mothership & Carrier are posted in other threads and i dont wanna cross-post. Instead, im going to post an idea for mothership ive nvr posted before.

    Can have >1
    1000 minerals 850 gas 16 population
    275 Energy, 600 HP, 450 Shields Damage +2 per upgrade.
    Cloak ( there should be a passive cloak that has a radius of 3 that only cloaks ground UNITS as well)
    Time Bomb ( just stops incoming ammunition (except for colossus, void ray and nullifier), stops enemy units, and slows friendly units. /// 135 energy
    Abilities that need to be researched:
    Vortex -> Stasis ALL units in AoE /// 185 Energy, lasts 200 seconds
    Self-Stasis -> 150 Energy, can un-stasis anytime within 200 seconds, lasts 200 seconds
    Planet Cracker -> 40 Damage per second, 15 seconds, Aoe /// 170 Energy, costs 125 Shields
    Shields Recharging Nanite Cloud -> Forms an immoblie nanite cloud below mothership with radius of 5, recharging shields as fast as medic heal rate, up to 4 units at a time.
    Rift -> 25 damage per second, only affects enemy air units, 10 sec duration, slightly slows all units caught in rift, all ammunition used in rift is negated.
    +50 energy (2 lvls, second lvl, +25 energy)
    Advanced Null-Flux Generator -> +75 Shields per lvl (2 lvls)
    Khaydarin Energy Reactor -> +1 energy per second

    - Archon should have 1 shield level and also a higher shield regeneration rate. It would take really long to regenerate an archon's shields without a higher regeneration rate. Since, They rely on their shields for survival, and they cost a lot of gas, which has been made into a finite resource now, it would make sense for them to have at least 1 shield.
    - Void ray should have a bit more shields ( maybe 125?) That way they can at least survive a yamato cannon, and since they're for battling capital ships and high-hp units, it shouldnt be too fragile.
    - Maybe an upgrade for "Defensive Weapons" like photon cannons and turrets.
    - Cloak for Void Ray? It is a ship that wield the energies of the Void after all.
    - Upgrade for Stalker durablity. Even if it is just +20 Shields or something cuz if you dont give Immortals ability to hit units, Stalkers are basically gonna be used for Protoss GtA, a battle in which Blink would be so much less useful. Even if you do decide to give immortals anti-air, They are so much more expensive then stalkers.
    - Bring DA back. I dont think it would really imbalance the game... :(
  2. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    i stopped reading here....
  3. Arvendragon

    Arvendragon Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Sounds like making the Protoss OP.

    Immortal is designed for taking heavy fire and for breaking artillery lines. It is like the Siege Tank in weaponry. Do you expect cannons to fire at air? Maybe something else, but the Stalker can cover it.

    Same thing for the Phoenix. There are other units to cover for it. This is to make no unit too strong.

    And the Mothership has too many abilities and upgrades.
  4. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States
    Stalkers, Archons, Cannons, Carriers, Pheonixes Mothership...I think protoss has some pretty good AA. I wouldn't mind seeing the Phoenix getting AtG back though, even at the expense of some damage-dealing power.
  5. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Lawl... ur telling me even after Psi storms, Zealots back by archons and dragoons, and DT's too boot and even a good old Dark archon u had trouble on the ground? I'm a little concerned for you.

    i think this is about the only thing worth looking at. Sad to say i wouldnt want to see this on the mother ship. It reminds me of the old Batterys, should be placed on Dark Pylon and drop one of those other abilities

    This one crossed my mind before. I have the feeling like void rays are somehow under powered but from all that i have read at every event SC2 has been at sending in about 3 void raids into the enemies base after there nexus/CC/hatchery was pretty much GG. I just hope they have what it takes to deal with Large air units like BC's. And anyone who has been paying attention BC's have been on a OMFG WTF? rampage when it comes to overpowered units. With the anti air fire from BC's i'm wondering if any other race has what it takes to Bring down those power houses. Defence matrix, yamato, Missile barrage. They have basicly everything Covered in air combat ALL by them selfs let alone adding vikings or even a nighthawk to the mix.
  6. orestul

    orestul New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    You know, blizzard said they want to make a balanced team. What you are saying would make them not just powerful but invincible. All those things for the mother ship will make it useless to attack it. The immortal has shields from powerful attacks. If you got an air attack for it, then everyone will just make up the maximum amount of available population, and just attack. Then they will not just be called immortal but really be immortal. Your ideas would just kill the balance in the game.
  7. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Hmmm yea .
    Archon -> 2 range, air units can easily "run away"
    Stalkers -> Focus Fire = screwed
    Cannons = immobile
    Carrier = Expensive and easily countered by focus-fire
    Phoenixes -> Sry i had wrong info , i thought it did 6x2 dmg, which means armor = it screwed
    Mothership -> too expensive to mass up and use just for Anti-air
    And for the ground thing, i meant AIR to GROUND not ground to ground. The only problem i faced then was mass vulture tanks and gol attacks ...
    true about Dark Pylon that would be nice
    I know i was just talking about bcs with my friend
    wtf? use sum zealots or lings. stuff with high dps, but low damage. And the air attack doesnt need to be the same as ground attack...geez . And air to ground, you can use banshees, mutas, or even carriers ( low damage). If they give back ground attack for phoenix, use that.

    T.T I was kinda expecting this response...
  8. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    lol.... i want to have custom, animation for colossus using disco lights during standby phase..
  9. orestul

    orestul New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Basicly what i meant that when you make those adjustments, you would get a very powerful race over all other weaker races
  10. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    ... well the how about this.

    - ground attack for phoenix. SOME kind of AoE spell.
    - Archon faster shield regen
    - DA back
    - Cloak ability for Void ray (is that really too much????) & slightly more shields.

    I dont see how these changes can really affect gameplay that much.

    I was gonna post some suggestions too for the other factions....
  11. orestul

    orestul New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Well, faster shield regeneration for dark archon is fine, the ground attack for the phoenix is acceptable, but i don't know about a cloak for the warp ray. Kind of strange to have a huge capital ship with a cloak. That would mean it eats up tons of energy, and there would be no point for it then unless to like hide for like 10 seconds. So i dont think that would be a great idea.
  12. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Ummm im pretty sure the Void Ray isnt a capital ship. It would be kinda weird for the Void Ray to be one cuz then that means that the Phoenix would be THE ONLY non-capital ship the Protoss has... 0.0. Anyways i always thought that it was a long-range bombardment - fighter thingy or w/e the wiki says...
    And faster shield regen for DA is cool too ^^
  13. orestul

    orestul New Member

    Feb 28, 2009
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    Well, that might be so, but still. I don't really think that having a cloak on it is a good idea. It wont be as fun to have a cloak, because you just cloak them and attack the detectors. Then the enemy is helpless against a powerful unit.
  14. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    o right...... i guess i overlooked that part... OF COURSE, it would take about 3-4 seconds to actually kill a detector, unless its an observer (which is still permanantly cloaked).

    Well, just to sum it up ( ive also had sum more ideas, none too OP)

    - upgrade for dark templar + 10 bonus vs biological, or +2 bonus vs biological for zealot. I just thought that would be nice, and it would make the zealot and/or DT so much more useful
    - upgrade for +20 max stalker shields. Would lessen fragility, yea yea yea its a fragile, more agile goon and has blink but still, its an upgrade.
    - Molecular Distruptior (or sumthin like that , for the Nullifier) seems kinda weak. wat about an upgrade to make each hit 15 damage? Since i think the cost of energy is pretty high. mind u its an upg
    - Slightly higher vitality for nullifier and high templar (45hp and shields for nuullifier, 60 hp, 40 shields for High templar). I personally think they are really extremely too fragile, even if they are support.
    - Hallucination for high templar? (2 only, not for obs, DT, only one for carrier carrier, no mothership) It would be nice to have both variations.
    - lvl 1 shield for archon, higher regen rate for DA and archon (P.S. , DA back). The archons rely on shields to survive.
    - Enemy cant run away after 6 seconds of void ray fire. idk, the thought just popped up
    - 2 separate beams for colossus? each dealing 11 or 12 damage, able to hit different targets. again, it would be cool, and it would make more use of the new technologies and new "stuff" in sc2.
    - +5 damage vs. armor for stalker (instead of 4). better damage, not too OP. :p
    - 75 minerals 80 gas for nullifier. Vespene is now a finite resource T.T so instead of vespene, use more minerals

    I dont think any of thsese are really OP. the only ones that might seem OP are the vs biological bonus upg, and the 15 damage for molecular distruption. but still they are just upgrades, so blizzard can make the upgrade more expensive

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