Hey there I came across your site while in class today. I want to talk about a few strategies. Some I've taken from SC original, some are used vs me. Okay these are all protoss strats. These wont work vs seasoned players as often. First Dark Templar rush Advantages Your already really advanced tech wise flexibility Stealth. They don't know you are going to hit them, unlike prob scouting. Wait, your attacked and only have half of your next wave ready? No problem (high dmg and no detectors for their army yet) Okay they have a detector at the gate. You can have your ally distract and break through. Most players (maybe spair most zerg players) are not covering their income with detectors. I've crippled a whole base with just 1 or 2 that got through. :From there a standard they have high dmg, you should use them, especially at your base and mid map mid - end game. Next cannon rush cons your an asshole in my case, your time is in their base. You end up with a tinfoil strong defense in your base. often leads to micro management stalemate pros results, often often often leads to wins especially if you and your teammate are both toss and both rushing. At the least disrupts their income The rush, it is a dedicated strat. If you fail to extremely hinder one or all enemies, you will probably die shortly after. Tell me what you all think. =) PS no using dtemp strat vs me =o
Yeah those wouldn't work well above copper.. any sane person will scout and see your choice of tech, terrans will simply use scans and build a bay for turrets, zerg will morph an overseer and protoss will usually have an observer because you usually go robo in PvP. As for the rush.. it works a good amount of times if you don't get scouted early game. Terrans usually scout late as well as some zerg players that don't send a drone. The 2-gate rush is extremely good, and even the game designers are thinking about ways to make it easier to defend, as you can have a pylon on low-ground powering high-ground. Any good player will usually spot your cheese and stop your rush with a bunker, a crawler or if they are protoss they will have their own zealots to deal with yours + they have probes to help so they win. The cannon rush is effective sometimes as well.. but the thing is that a cannon costs 150 for protoss, a bunker rush is more of an option as you can salvage bunkers using only 2 at a time. The terran can usually lift his CC and will fly it to an expansion. And then you're left with 3-4 cannons in your opponents base doing nothing while your opponent counters with a force. As canirunit says, this will only work on newer players. If I scout and see that you don't have anything in your base I will automatically build an extra production building and also scout in my base/natural mineral line etc and other likely places. Then I'm usually ready to stop any rush.
if ur talking a 2v2 double protoss, the double gateway cheese is a lot more effective than a cannon rush IMO. u almost always take out one of the opponents (if they're not both Terran). The best option for the enemy is for his ally to actually go take one of your bases, rather than trying to help defend - if he does that he loses.
canirunit, I have to insist, with a reply of that nature, please offer something more... usable then you suck noob. Yeah I'm still in copper ( damn college =/ ) I've been trying a few new strats with zerg ( ultralist dropping, tec) with little success. It's hard to find good strats. me and my team mate got OWNED last night by someone who went crazy with marens. Well no we still won I think, but non the less it destroyed a fell carrier attack. Well you all say it's about the scout... but that isn't exactly a omg hes cannon rushing give away. Its one of the two initial buildings. One could get clever and build it way off in no where. (a bit off, but would work). Highest win strat so far. I've had a really bad run today, was 8 in copper and now I'm at 20. Had a good 1 to 1 ratio. It would be nice to get out of copper. I knew I was screwed when my team mate said he just figured out the talk command. Now okay the terran. They piss me off. I forget the name, but that replacement for the fire bat that moves really fast seems to be made to harass my workers. I lost the last game as one did significant dmg with them. They die fast but 10 of them, they hit 5 - 10 workers before my units respond.