Hi, just wondering if anyone knows of anyways to repair/fix Protoss units and buildings in battle. It appears the probes can not repair
Protoss units cannot repair themselves because they regenerate shields. It may be possible to have a friendly scv repair them (not sure about that) but thats a rather rare scenario.
If you have a Terran Ally, his SCVs and Mules can repair the mechanical, while the medivac can heal the biological. But 1v1, if you get damage after shields, it is there forever.
yeah you need a terran ally to fix protoss health damage, but shields regenerate quickly. learn to retreat.
At least with Protosss, their shields recharge pretty fast if you can pull the unit back and let it recharge for a minute. So even if you only have 1 hit-point left, you'll have full shield-points after two minutes
Zealots can be healed by Medivacs. Everything else can be repaired by SCVs/MULEs. Except I'm not sure about their buildings.
SCVs can repair anything mechanical, meaning also structures. They can atleast repair their own, so why not an allys, when they can repair for example immortals.
Interesting .... i will have to be sure to let my 2v2 partners know this ... this could very well be incorporated into some sic toss Terran tactics. The shield regin is always good too though.