I'm constantly getting beat by Terran players who do nothing but spam marines. Even when I have a double economic advantage, collossi, and some sentries thrown in the mix, it still seems that I have 50:50 odds at best. Even against total noobs who don't know how to do anything else but spam marines. Against decent Terran players, the only chance I have is to hope they don't attack until I get high templars. Even then it's a gamble because high templars are killed so easily. And then Terran have a ****-tonne of other cheap tricks, like reaper harassment and invisible banshees. To rub salt into our wounds, Protoss detection is by far the worst in the game. This has completely spoiled my enjoyment of the game. I could change to Zerg, but then I would have to cope with yet another string of defeats while I learn how to play Zerg. Why don't Blizzard fix this broken bull****?
Moved to appropriate section where you can rage without thinking about where you may be making mistakes.
You have flying, invisible detectors which you can get cheap, and before anyone else can get a stealth unit. What's the problem with them? Further, reapers are much harder to mass early on now, and bunker build time has been increased. Terran harassment isn't nearly as effective as it used to be. Stop crying, to be honest.
The game will NEVER be fixed if you don't even hear people out when they raise complaints about balance issues. Of course I might be making mistakes, so ****ing what? Not all of us are pros. The point is that only Protoss players have to worry about these mistakes. If I have to play a perfect game to beat even noob Terran players, then something is going wrong. As for detectors, are you serious about that? Building four observers, spreading them evenly across the map, and keeping them alive, is kind of difficult compared with just hitting scan whenever you get in trouble.
Yes, because the different races have different mechanisms. Terrans could likewise complain about their lack of ability to summon units anywhere, the zerg could complain about their lack of cliff-walkers (which means that they need transports for every cliff) and the americans about the lack of media attention anywhere out of Korea. I do agree that the mods shouldn't drop every balance complaint thread into space junk though, since there might be some good points among them. Maybe a general topic in tactics that new topics can get merged with?
So come on then, tell me how to beat marine spam. In a reliable way. Not "force field the ramp", that is not reliable. He might just run away and attack again when I have no energy. Also, there is no ramp when you're trying to defend an expansion 10 minutes in.
Colossi (I hope this is spelled right) and stalkers meatshields? Stalkers Meatshields and high templars? -OR- the perfect counter: Stalkers Meatshields, colossi, AND high templars? EDIT: Please describe what you mean by having to hope they don't attack until you get high templars for good terran players. What is your issue against their builds? Surely, if they go mech, you don't WANT high templars?
Colossi isn't a good answer. That is a mid to late game unit. Compared with marines en masse, zealots are completely hopeless and all get slaughtered before they get anywhere near the marines. Even with guardian shield. Basically, there isn't an early game method which is a counter to marine spam. Marines attack air, they attack from behind barricades, they're half as cheap as zealots, and yet 20 marines will easily kill 20 zealots.
speed upgrade for the zealots. and unless the marines are fully upgraded and the zealots not at all, I don't see 20 marines easily killing 20 zealots.
They do, actually. Also, with enough meaningful posts I may just move this back into strategy, but the first post justifies SJ. As for the problem, 4 sentries can force field your ramp for eternity. And your wider choke at your natural will be made up for by having more sentries. Force field isn't just for splitting armies but buying you time. For colossus, for example, which decimate MM, espcially if they spam them and don't tech to vikings. There is nothing wrong with balance just because a few things (like colossus) come later than what they counter (marines) as long as you can somehow stall their attack. Z needs to stall attacks to get stuff out to fight with so often that I would not recommend you switching to them if stalling with P is too much for you.
I just got beaten again another two times largely thanks to marine spam. I had the economic advantage and won a major battle against my opponet. Eventually though the marines just wore me down. I have been beaten by marine spam many, many times now. I can only conclude that the game is broken. If the game were balanced, then Protoss players would not have to work tremendously harder than Terran players just to have a chance of staying in the game. It wouldn't be so bad if Protoss compensated for this weakness in some other area. Alas, they don't. Marauders are at least as powerful as stalkers, siege tanks are at least as useful as immortals. Battlecruisers are much better than carriers. Terran have the better detection, the better anti-air and the better harassment. I can only conclude that the game is obviously broken and the people telling me otherwise are simply not thinking clearly. And yes, 20 marines will quite easily kill 20 zealots. The zealots will have trouble surrounding a single unit, whereas the marines can easily pick off the zealots one by one. Marines can go in bunkers, behind barricades, and attack air units. In other words, marines are better than zealots even though they cost half as much.
hmm i think zerg's detection is just as bad as the protoss but i haven't really played protoss much against marina spam so idont know if i can argue about that =.=
After their great detection in sc1, the zerg would always look bad in sc2. Seriously. Friggin' patrolling overlords. I hated playing against zerg, because I love my stealth units oh so very much. On topic: maybe guardian shield coupled with dark templar? The ripple effect from the shield makes the opponent unable to see the ripple effect from the DT until they are in melee range (or the sentry is destroyed)
OK #14 makes this stay in SJ. I can literally feel the rage seeping through your words. Your understanding of fundamental balance is broken since you're comparing a mobile AG+AA agile unit to a slow, AG meat unit and complaining. Hint: the more things a unit can be used against, the weaker it is. Let's hope your other thread becomes more constructive and doesn't end up here.