Protoss - In A Nutshell

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by DevilsGate, Jun 21, 2008.

Protoss - In A Nutshell

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by DevilsGate, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. DevilsGate

    DevilsGate New Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    Before you begin, I'd like to remind you that everything below is subject to change. Blizzard is doing a lot of work and units are coming and going monthly. Nothing here is concrete. With that out of the way, read on! (Usually I would include images, but someone has decided we can only have max 4).

    Terran Units - In A Nutshell
    Zerg Units - In A Nutshell


    Built from: Nexus
    Armament: Particle Beam
    Role: Base Construction/Resource Gathering

    The Probe is the starter unit for the Protoss race. Though they have minimal shielding they make up for this with their ability to construct buildings faster then any other race. Instead of creating buildings from the ground up. They simply warp in pre-constructed buildings to the battlefield.


    Built from: Gateway
    Armament: Psionic Blades
    Role: Assault Warrior

    The Zealot is the foundation of the Protoss infantry. They are well disciplined and well trained soldiers who make up the front line of the Protoss attack. They can learn the "Charge" ability which grants them the power to sprint foward to reach their enemies.


    Built from: Gateway
    Armament: Twin Phase Disruptors
    Role: Ranged Assault Support

    Immortals are fallen Protoss warriors who have chosen to continue fighting in toughened exoskeletons. Their toughened shields are capable of absorbing mighty blows from enemy forces once upgraded. However, these shields are vunerable to small arms fire. Immortals can even survive direct hits from nuclear blasts.


    Built from: Gateway
    Armament: Chronal Web
    Role: High Mobility Scout / Ambusher

    These stealthy units are in fact Dark Templar who continue fighting in toughened exoskeletons, similar to the Immortal. They are capable of teleporting across small spaces using their "Blink" ability. They make up for their low armour with their powerful attack and mobility. They are perfect for suprise attacks and disrupting enemy movements.


    Built from: Gateway
    Armament: Pulse Cannon
    Role: Passive Offence

    These robotic units are well named. They have several abilities which they use to disadvantage their opponents. The "Force Field" ability creates a temporary barrier on a fixed location, which blocks both friendly and enemy movements in that area. Their other ability "Anti Gravity" reverts the gravity of the targeted area, effectively freezing units and buildings in place, then smashing them back into the ground.

    High Templar

    Built from: Gateway
    Armament: Psionic Arsenal
    Role: Support

    The High Templar have finely honed psionic powers which more then make up for their lack of weaponry. They can cast Psionic Storms which lace the targeted area with damaging electricity, and their "Hallucination" ability creates temporary copies of any targeted units. They also have the power to merge with another Templar to create an Archon.

    Dark Templar

    Built from: Gateway
    Armament: Modified Warp Blade
    Role: Stealth Infiltrator

    These exiled warriors have been reunited with their brethern, and have considerable talents to add to the Protoss arsenal. Dark Templars are renowned for their ability to bend light at will, allowing them to stay permanently cloaked. This ability, combined with their skill with a blade, makes Dark Templar the perfect assassins.


    Built from: Merging Templar
    Armament: Psionic Shockwave
    Role: Heavy Assault

    This swirling mass of energy is the end result of a templar merge. They are extremely powerful and can soak up much damage, which is why so many Protoss Executors favour them on the front lines.


    Built from: Robotics Facility
    Armament: Twin Thermal Lances
    Role: Heavy Support

    The large robotic Colossus is a relic of the Protoss past. This does not make it any more deadly however. Its large, mobile legs allow it to traverse rough terrain with ease, even stepping up cliffs. Its size also allows it to be hit from both ground and air units however. Its twin thermal lances can sweep across the battlefield, felling large numbers of forces in a a short time span.

    Phase Prism

    Built from: Robotics Facility
    Armament: None
    Role: Tactical Transport

    The Phase Prism is the high tech transport for the Protoss race. It can carry large numbers of units by imprinting their molecular signatures onto its crystal lattice core. In addition, the Phase Prism can also power nearby buildings by going into Phase Mode. While in Phase Mode the Phase Prism must remain stationery.


    Built from: Robotics Facility
    Armament: None
    Role: Scout

    The Observer is a relatively weak and inexpensive unit, quite unlike the Protoss. However what it lacks in strength it makes up for in survelliance. The Observer is permanently cloaked, and is capable of detecting hidden opposition. Large numbers of Observers are often set up across the battlefield, providing Protoss Executors with vast quantities of information.


    Built from: Stargate
    Armament: Twin Ion Cannons
    Role: Air Superiority Fighter

    This versatile unit is the replacement to the costly and inefficient Scout. The Phoenix is manned by skilled Protoss flyers, and their Twin Ion Cannons and strong shielding give them a considerable advantage during aerial combat. However Protoss often find themselves hopelessly outnumbered during conflict with Zerg forces, and have developed the "Power Overload" ability to counter this. This ability overloads the Phoenix' warp core and discharges the energy out through its Ion Cannons. This massive energy discharge can lay waste to any nearby air flyer, however it leaves the Phoenix temporarily disabled afterwards. Regardless of these draw backs, the Phoenix makes a valuable and much needed addition to the Protoss fleet.

    Warp Ray

    Built from: Stargate
    Armament: Prismatic Beam
    Role: Long-range Bombardment

    The Warp Ray is just one example of the new technologies being created by the recently united Protoss. This unit fires a self-sustaining Prismatic Beam, that does an increasing amount of damage the longer it is firing at a target. While this makes it very effective against heavily armoured structures and units, it can be exploited by small numbers of weaker units.


    Built from: Stargate
    Armament: Interceptors
    Role: Capital Ship

    The Carrier is so-named due to the large number of Interceptors it stores inside its hull. Though the Carrier has no weapon capabilities itself, it is capable of deploying thesee fast, highly agile Interceptors which can relentlessly attack foes on the ground and in the air. Large numbers of Carriers can release literally hundreds of Interceptors, making most enemy targeting systems useless, and forcing them to switch to manual fire. The Carrier was the flagship of the late Protoss hero Tassadar.


    Built from: Nexus
    Armament: Disruptor Pulse
    Role: Capital Ship

    Another long forgotten peice of Protoss technology, the Mothership originally functioned as a exploratory vessel. Nowadays, its prime function is destruction. The mothership has several unique abilities which compliment the Protoss arsenal. Its "Cloaking Field" immobilizes the vessel, but cloaks nearby friendly units and structures. The "Time Bomb" creates a bubble which freezes everything inside, and the Mothership can also warp in units from anywhere on the map.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2008
    darkone likes this.
  2. Can_2

    Can_2 New Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    I didn't hear about the Nullifier o.o lol
  3. DevilsGate

    DevilsGate New Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    Bump all three complete now. Links on main post.
  4. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    Red Bluff, CA
    Nullifier: lost the Null void ability a long while ago.

    Archon: the Power Overwhelming ability, as far as i know, only appeared in a build shown to the Koreans and never appeared again.

    MotherShip: is now built from the Nexus, but you need the Fleet Beacon to be able to build it.

    Immortal: they can survive a nuke with that harden shield, and only lose 10 shield points.

    Warp Ray: even tho its role is called the long range bombardment, it only has the range of 4. making its role a bit misleading.
  5. Zerks

    Zerks New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    and the mothership has been completly revamped. the planet cracker is gone and instead the mothership has the ability to warp in units from another part of the map. like th arbiter did.

    overall its good but i also like how lurkers_lurk has given us the "updated" stuff with what has happened to the units.

  6. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Yes, thank your lurk.

    When did the mothership get warp in?
  7. DevilsGate

    DevilsGate New Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    Updated. Thanks for the info guys, keep it coming!
  8. Yangkee693

    Yangkee693 Guest

  9. InfestedKerrigan

    InfestedKerrigan New Member

    Nov 13, 2008
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    Thanks for sharing Devil, but review and modify your info asap. There are more people reading it right now :)