This is an advanced build, and if you're not good at microing/proxying - it will not work. Koreans use this build PvP a lot. I used it on all races and they GG really early. The only time it hasn't worked is when a P player goes 2 gate Zs. 8: Pylon (chrono boost probes til 18) 10: Gateway (Cybernetics Core as soon as it's done) 10: Scout - try to not be seen and leave your probe in their base hidden (if they're Terran, you may want to scout with one of your first 6 probes before they start walling in) 14: Assimilator (3 Probes in gas asap) 18: Research Warp Gate asap, chrono boost it as much as possible 18: Stop worker production From here, you build 3 more Gateways, they should all finish right as Warp Gate is researched. Upgrade Gateways to Warp Gates, and as that's happening - build 3-4 Pylons in the enemy's base. This is the tricky part: You have to spread out the Pylons and once one of the Pylons are up, immediately warp in Stalkers/Zealots. You absolutely have to micro them - it's best to do it around their mineral line. Make sure you keep your first warped in units ALIVE til the cooldown resets. Continue warping in units til you overpower theirs I can post a replay up if anyone wants.
*grumble grumble* somebody got me with that yesterday, I'm a zerg player. He put it in the little smoked out corner so I couldn't see it and I didn't even think to check there. I got overwhelmed pretty quick. I was quick teching to BLs so I only had like 3 roaches and no preperation for something like that. not a good plan on my part. Kinda reminds me of offensive cannoning in sc1, which can still be done in sc2, and maybe even more effectively due to the little smoke corners.
Its a good one but as a protoss player I learned to check my base right away in every corner when i play vs P. I dont get proxies in my base anymore. Outside yes mYbe but if u allow a protoss o build in ur base ur really a noob so... Anyway nice build ill try it. What league are u in? Im in silver now and i already see differences from bronze. Maybe bcuz now we play vs gold and maybe even more
It happened to me once, I got so paranoid that now, even late game, i always have a marine patrolling my bases and expos. The worst feeling ever though---- scouting this, finding that they just attack anyway and realizing that you are over committed to a build that will get steamrolled by that.
Agreed I have been trying a similar version of this with no luck, would like to see you do it so I can improve. Thanks
God I hate cheese. Me poor little zerg ^^ When playing vs protoss I always scout every corner like a paranoid maniac which affects my macro. Damn cheese ^^
Just be sure to get a building/worker up close to the entrance so you can see what goes in and out of the base.
This is a great Protoss strategy, as a Terran player it can be really dangerous if I mess up my build or am not prepared. Why call it cheese though? I would say it's a normal strat that is pretty standard.
This is hard to pull off as described in the post. You have to keep a probe alive on their plateau until you have warp gates--that's a long time to avoid a scout! I have used a similar build with some success. Make 1 gate then cybernetics, then second gate. Research warp gate ASAP. Build a robotics. make 4 units--2 zealots/2 stalkers or whatever combo you want. If they rush you, crank guys out of your two gates. Otherwise, keep it at 4. When your robotics is up, make a warp prism and then 2 more gates. When the warp prism is up, pick up the four units and head to the enemy. (Make sure all of your gates have been tranformed into warp gates.) Drop the units in an inconspicuous place, but as close to the mineral line as possible. Convert the warp prism to pylon mode, and start warping in guys as described in the original post above. This build works against builds that rely on blocking a choke and teching heavy. One thing I like about it better than the pylon version is that in this version your original wave is 8 units instead of 4 (4 in the warp prism, 4 warped in). I have used this build several times. It has worked VERY well against gold and below, and pretty well against platinum and diamond.
ZergFerguson can you post a replay? I have been trying that method aswell with not much success. I would like to see someone do it correctly. Thanks I do it versus a Terran in a 2v2 (PPvTP). They actually attack right as I am dropping. This is a "worst case scenario" for this build, as it is was intended to be used against builds that block a choke and tech. When I saw the Toss go forge, I thought he was going to tech. I was wrong. Fortunately, my allie and I hold their attack and the drop cripples the Terran.
seems like a speed ling run bye would decimate your build, with spine crawlers at base what league are you doing this in?
Chowzilla--A speedling build would decimate that build. I would never try it versus zerg. It's mostly a PvP build, although I have had some success in PvT. I think the replay I linked to was a PPvPT. I have a better one now where I used it with HUGE success in a PvP. It's a drop build, so it's good against heavy tech builds that try to stop the rush by clogging the choke. The goal of the build is to drop on them before they get what they are teching for and while their army is still small. The nice thing about this drop, is that the warp gates make it "the drop that keeps on dropping." I am Plat 1v1 and I have beaten at least 1 Diamond Protoss player with the build.
Okay, I now exclusively use this PvP. As I got higher up (in Plat at the moment) it does not work against other races as well (I had a near 100% win rate with this in Gold). And the only counter is 2 gate Zs as I mentioned. Though fast robo builds give this one a serious fight. The reason why this build is cheese is because you're practically going all-in and if it fails, like all cheese, you're at a serious disadvantage. I never had a problem with my probe being scouted, and if it does get scouted - I queue move around the base and put down a few early Pylons spread out.
I'm really having a problem with this build, not as effective as I hoped. Here are my thoughts against terran: I get owned with Marauders(concussive shells) and Marines with this build. against zerg: really effective specially if he decides to get a fast expansion against protoss: fast immortals and it's gg
hmmm... i think i would build a couple cannons just to keep you from swarming in... and make void rays and kill your nexus... i scout a lot, and a 4 gate proxy isn't hard to find LOL i believe that I would be prepared... Hopefully you end up facing me one day when you make it into diamond, im too high up in diamond for you to face me from platinum
meh... happened to me once. Now I just make sure i've got all my corners covered with overlords. If he starts building a pylon i'll crush it with drones or Zerglings if i have them.
Here's a variation using just Zealots. Might be more effective with the 3 extra on minerals - haven't tried it.