What are your thoughts on the current protoss beta build? units buildings ect stalkers need their health boosted back up to 180 from 160 I love the immortal still my favorite protoss unit. The sentry is by far the best caster (infestor take notes) The new mechanic is pretty cool im either or for it. Need to see more phoenix action to make a assessment. They seem to have the most options available to them compared to the other ones. Would like to hear from some others who have acutely played the beta.
actually i found protoss the most limiting, really the only effective strategy is spam more zealots then the other player if they are protoss or just spam zealots in the first place, after you've got a solid army of those then its possible to choose other options but the reliance on zealots is just overpowering.
I think blizzard should of tweaked all of the units stats including the old ones like zerglings zealots ect.
I know people hardly ever actually used the shield battery, but in SC1 you could get away with really small numbers of zealots in the early game with a shield battery and good choke micro. They even built fast enough that with decent scouting you could wait to put one down until you were sure you would even need it. Maybe they could bring the shield battery back.
The Phoenix is good against small amounts of air, but has trouble when dealing with lots of units. Stalkers probably don't need more health- they need more people to actually use Blink. Protoss has a hard time against Roaches- Immortals and Void Rays (or air in general) are the only decent counters. Immortals deal a lot of damage, but even with hardened shields, will drop before too long. You need lots of them, and that's not easy to pull off. Air is a more permanent solution, but going air makes them go Hydras, which is its own sack of ferrets. If rapid shield regen is ever needed, I'd like to be able to Chrono Boost units.
Honestly the battery wasn't used much in sc1. If you're going archon heavy then maybe, but there aren't many reasons to do that unless you've a lot of gas to get rid of and arbiters aren't effective. Just out of curiousity. Does BTHammer have beta?
Nope I currently do not and if I did have one I would only be able to play it on my friends comp atm. Current changes I see needed Stalkers- small buff to deal with mutalisks a bit better 1 or 2 white damage Archons- attack faster maybe a double attack but they need to increase their Aoe range for their gas cost they need to rival immortals Phoenix- this unit is really hard to say for alot of people see them as very weak but for cost and abilities it seems to shine when used right (you need like 4+ to be useful in most cases but iv seen them kill off viking banshees and such and be very effective, they also make very good queen and overlord hunters ) and I compare this one to the hellion in regards to how its must be used I can see a small decrease in build time but I can"t say they need to be buffed in stats its just one of those units that people complain about because they build 1 or 2 and send it against a army of units Mothership - I really liked wormhole transit I really think they need it to come back but change it to just nexuses
how long does it take for an archon to regenerate its shields? it's still a unit with massive shields and low health, right? given how archons are massive burning balls of psi energy, they should have increased shield regen. maybe outside-of-battle only, like all other protoss, so it doesn't overlap too much with the roach.