Hey guys, i'm fairly new to SC (league play that is) used to play custom games all the time. Anyways, I'm trying to figure out some good 1v1 strategies with protoss So far I know: - phoenix rush - 4gate (with proxy pylon) - dualgate (quick zealot rush) - mass stalker w/ blink - void/colossus (usually takes a while) Q1: what are some other good strategies that i can use? please describe as well!
if you stick with stalkers with blink, zealots, sentries, you should be fine in most games. just change this up depending on what you opponent is doing. if he is going heavy ground get a colossus, if he is going air go phoenix or void ray or even stalkers are good against air. psi storm is also very good against terran troops.
initaly u shud prolly always get zelots and sentries in beginning to defend against a rush, then i go for voids which generally takes the cake, always try to get them to charge there rays on like a nexus or something and they will take out stalkers no prob
Voids suck if the opponent knows they're coming, try and hide them if you go for that. I typically go blink stalker vs air unless I'm doing a phoenix build, but beware of over committing to phoenixes because they can macro right through your harass if you don't actually attack.
I just got Void rushed in a game :/ Whats the best way to defend against them? I sent out scouts and stuff, but his base was too heavily defended with cannons
If he's void "rushing" and you're dying to his cannons, your timing is off. He'll be doing it one of 2 ways : teching up quick then building canons, or building canons then teching up. Either way, you need to get a suffecient enough army out to kill his tech before he gets too many in the air. As terran a solid MMM army can take the cannons and your marines can drop 2+ of his void rays. Focus on the stargates with your marauders, and if your marines die just let your marauders keep going at the stargates. Or go viking rush and take his base with ground mode once you rape his void rays. Zerg though.. can't help you, don't know counters very well other than terran.