Hey everyone, how long do you think it will be before they announce when the demo will be released? I remember when they released the demo for Starcraft original, and I would play it every day!! DO you think it will be: First Quarter 2008 Second Quarter 2008 Third Quarter 2008 Fourth Quarter 2008 Or sometime in 2009 Blizzard will cancel Starcraft 2, because it would sell like crap Please provide some sort of justification or evidence with what you think!
Re: Announcement of the Starcraft II multiplayer demo!! You should change the title. People will get a stroke. ;D And make a poll.
Re: Announcement of the Starcraft II multiplayer demo!! I really hope so. Hopefully blizzard will read this forum, see how desperate we all are for the Starcraft 2 demo, have mercy for us and give us an announcement about when they will announce the demo for Starcraft II.
It's the last quarter of 2007 right now... I think you meant the four quarters of '08 and '09 as the 4th option. But I would be glad to play even the singleplayer demo, let alone the multiplayer. I'm guessing 2nd quarter of 2008 but if Blizzard wants even the demo to be bugfree and rather balanced, then 3rd quarter. Remember, they don't rush things
He says that first quarter of 2007 was MONTHS ago, fourth quarter is right now you sure you know which year do we have now? @post below: ha ha ha
Well I would be happy with a demo too I can imagine, I would play it million times, or till SC2 comes out