in Starcraft 1, my pc has had this problem ever since i started playing. heres the problem - the edges of the screen are cut off, only by about a centimeter. but its enough that i cant see all the minimap and i cant see my max population amount. i've tried reducing resolution and other things, but i cant get it to change. help?
I think it's a problem of your monitor.. But then again, if your windows/linux/whatever does looks fine, then it's really weird. Try downloading Chaosluancher and use starcraft on windowed mode?
You see those little buttons on your moniter? Keep pressing them until you reach a menu saying "V-Size" and reduce the size then another that says "H-Size" and reduce the size of it horizontally.
thanks vakarak, but im having a problem just selecting that. i think they messed up with the keys. the "ok" button scrolls down one, and the "down" button does nothing.
I think its horizontal size. I have played at my local library before, and the screen is similar. However, it is still playable, right?