Pro Star League

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by DexterPSL, Jul 11, 2008.

Pro Star League

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by DexterPSL, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. DexterPSL

    DexterPSL Guest

    We would like to present to you a new StarCraft league. Playing system is similar to any other ladder and thus should be very well known. League consists of seasons, starts with ladder opened for all players and ends with final tournament for people with highest ranks. Anyone can join us, registration is free and takes just a minute. Please note that you have to enter a valid email address because activation code will be sent on it. Your web and BNet accounts are inactive until you activate them using link from email.
    League is not really a new thing. It was starter at the end of 2006 under the name of Polish StarCraft Ladder as a small ladder for players in Poland only. In last 18 months nine seasons were played many improvements were made. It came through all repotting games methods. At the beginning the only way to report game was to go to web site and do it manually. After few months bot was added so all reports may be done on BNet without switching to Windows. Later on a replay uploader program was created so the uploading replays for games become fully automated. And the final stage is a total web site and BNet integration that creates player friendly environment where games reporting is fully automated. Note that you can still report games manually via web site or BNet commands. This may be useful e.g. if you want to play 1vs1 ladder game with observers.
    BattleNet used to play games is a NetCraft ( the biggest and the oldest server in Poland that has been operating since 1999. Please note that not all players here are members of Pro Star League because their accounts were created before the integration took place. However they still may become PSL members if they register a new account on web site and enter an existing BNet nick. So please check players BNet icon or stats to find out if they are members or not. Also when game is started or finished you are getting message if everything is ok, so please pay also attention to it.
    To play with maximum comfort you need to download and run two little applications compiled into one installer. It is not required to use them but is it strongly recommended to keep them running. First of them is Chaos Launcher with LAN Latency plugin that allows to play games with really low latency. We are using slightly modified original version of Chaos Launcher that changes the latency on ALL BNet games no matter what game name is. Only works if ALL players in the game have LatencyChanger, else you will get disconnected. If you want to play on normal latency use ! in game name. e.g. 1v1!gogo or !2vs2 hunters.
    The other application is Replay Uploader that automatically uploads replays from ladder or tournament games to the web site. Just run it and login using BNet nick and password from web site and if uploader finds any needed game it will be sent to www server. Replays may be also uploaded manually on web site. To do this just login and go to your profile to check out your games list. Games that require a replay have jumping UP picture in last list column. If you are login on web site you are notified in player panel that you have any replays to upload. On BnattleNet /upload command returns list of game awaiting for replay upload.

    Please note that replays are required because they are only (and the best) method to detect different sorts of hacks or free wins. Using replays in ladder creates also a huge database of really good plays which is really nice for the community.
    The first international season has just begun! We would like to invite you to join our ladder and we wish you to play many good games and have a lot of fun. This season last at least two months and it’s end will be announced at least week earlier. Top ladder players will be fighting for prizes and glory in the final tournament. Currently we have prizes only for 1vs1 and they are as follows:
    - top1 wins 150$
    - top2 wins 100$
    - top3 wins 50$

    We would like to inform you that nothing you see today is final and we are still putting many efforts to develop news features and to upgrade existing ones. We are also open for new suggestions. We are looking for partnership or sponsoring cooperation so if you have any ideas/proposals feel free to let us know.

    Homepage: , ,
    Launcher with LAN Latency and replay uploader
    Official map pack
    StarCraft Brood War 1.15.2 by Monikon (88MB)
    Full help, fast start read: How to play – tutorial.

    Brief description of key features:
    - Players may compete in 1vs1 and 2vs2 ladder. To play 1vs1 game just create one vs one game type on BNet. To play 2vs2 game just create top vs bottom game type on BNet. To get better teams detection in 2vs2 games you should pick your TP using /tp *nick* BNet command. Games must be played on official PSL maps to be counted in ladder.
    - Winner of every ladder or tournament game has to upload a valid replay. If you win a ladder game you immediately win points for that game but you have 48 hours to upload replay for that game. If you don’t do it you will lose ALL points you won.
    - Player is allowed to change BNet nick. After that his BNet account is also changed so he needs to use a new BNet login. This is very useful after clan change because you may keep your stats and friend list.
    - Team 1vs1 and 2vs2 ladder. Ever player vs. player ladder game is also reported as team vs. team ladder game if both players are different team members.
    - Country 1vs1 and 2vs2 ladder. Ever player vs. player ladder game is also reported as country vs. country ladder game if both players are from different counties. Note that only games of top 30 players of country are included in country ladder.
    - Internal clan ladder. 1vs1 Ladder games between players of the same team are used to create an internal team ladder.
    - New BNet commands like manual game reporting, /f delete all, /dnd2 (prevents ALL whispers from "Friends List" displaying to your screen) or /ico (show 1vs1/2vs2/special icon next to your nick on BNet).
    - Map of the week bonus. +20% points for winner if the game was played on map of the week.
    - Winning streak. +10% points for winner for third and every other game won in row. Max winning streak bonus is +50% for seventh (and more) game won in row.
    - Luck bonus. Winner has a chance (e.g. 10%) to get additional random bonus (e.g. +100% in C3). Bonus is calculated when replay is uploaded but not later than one hour after the game is fished.
    - Mercy bonus. Loser has a chance (e.g. 10%) to not lose any point in game. Bonus is calculated when replay is uploaded but not later than one hour after the game is fished.
    - Milestones: Wide range of ladder prices to achieve. E.g. if you achieve 1000 ladder points or play 50 ladder games. Every milestone may be reached only by first three (six for 2vs2 ladder) players in every race.
    - Team ranking on your clan web site.
    - Player team changing history is available. Every time player joins (gets accepted) or quits a team this action is saved so his team history can be easily checked out.
    - Tournaments systems: DE for 4, 8, 16 and 32 players. Reporting tournament game state by BNet commands: /win_tr, /lose_tr
    - BNet is currently running WarCraft III The Frozen Throne beta ladder also. This is an original PvPGN ladder and works the same way as Blizzard’s WarCraft ladder. So you can try it out and give us your opinion about it. We are also trying to add more game on BNet and the first on the list are WarCraft III Dota Ladder and Diablo II.