I missed their conversation at the beginning... I mean they didn't even introduce themselves or started brainstorming why they were there... they just teamed up, accepted the circumstances and started walking. The predators acted like noobs. The Russian had an American gun. And this whole "1 black, 1 asian, 1 mexican, 1 of every ethnicity, 1 of shotgun, 1 of badass dual wielding, 1 of even more badass sword wielding, 1 sniper, 1 of everything to show this is a team of varied predators who must learn to work together!!" thing is really getting on my nerves now. The lines were very unimaginative as were the effects. And why did they go to high ground at the beginning and then immediately returned to the jungle? Also, they didn't loot Fishburne's equipment which would've helped them immensely. And don't get me started on the "the longer the appendages the nastier the predator" thing. Did anyone notice the human jaw bone that resisted grenade blasts and consecutive blows from a huge pole? At least I liked the "same result as arnie's but with a different method" fire fight.
If you judge a movie based on the use of standard archetypes, then you might as well stop watching movies and playing videogames altogether. Hell, even Blizzard uses them. Bash a movie based on the storyline, acting and the conversations, not on stuff that's in literally every piece of entertainment out there. (unless they really were one dimensional characters without the slightest bit of personality, then I take my words back)
No, they really were bland. In retrospect my post could sound like I shouldn't watch films at all but then it gives the wrong impression. I don't nitpick at films for the exact same things if they are presented in a way that don't make these cliché elements so very annoying and obtrusive - like in predators. I enjoyed the other related films and AVP because those were immersive and these silly things didn't annoy me.
I dunno, as long as you're not paying more that 5 bucks to see it, it's not bad. What did you expect from a movie called Predators?
Eh, i guess my friends and i had more fun during the movie then, mostly because we matched all the characters to team fortress people.
A story about human superiority over the best the outer space has to offer There are also predators somewhere in it, but they aren't very important. Did I get it right?
No. There was only three or four Preds and like 8 or 9 humans. The main guy only won at the end using a trick that was already used in another. And I wouldn't even call it winning, since he's still trapped on an intensely hostile planet in the middle of FSM only knows where.
Didn't they say they come in threes? You have the jawbone one, the samurai one, and the one that got blown up. I'm thinking the tied up one didn't get any trophies in the previous season or smth. Your last sentence got me thinking... doesn't this depict the history of Australia lol?
The one big pred was froma different clan then the other three, and most probably have a blood fued going on.