Yes guys, two in a row, this one centering on time travel. Option 1: the effectless time traveler: You are able to go both back and forward in time. However, you can't effect the timestream, and any change you make will be erased (like you save pompeii, get a celebration, but after 4 days, the timestream will shoot back so that vesuvius did erupt 4 days ago.) Option 2: The meddler: Absolute time travel. All your changes to the timeline have full effect. Beware of the butterfly effect. Grants immunity to grandfather paradox. Option 3: Timelord: You can freely interact with anything and you can change minor things. Big things (death of more than 3000 people at once, political disaster, discovery changing the course of civilization, etc) can not be changed however and will always occur, although the details may vary based on your minor changes. Pro's and cons of the three options 1 Pro: You can't accidently screw up anything. Con: You can make no changes, take no souvenirs, save no one 2 Pro: You can change everything you always wanted to. Con: You can coincidently erase humanity by sneezing on a dinosaur 3 Pro: You can't screw up anything major, you can save the little folk. Con: Anything you might actually want to avert; Major event and untouchable (this usually includes saving loved ones, as anything connected to your formation is a major event)
Option one all the way, whether I affect anything or not, I see it all, know where everything is, know who will win games before they happen, and can amass a fortune to help my bid to RULE THE WORLD! MWAHAHAHA
I voted option 3. the K-T extinction event would still happen, but I could still grab a dinosaur egg or two and make Jurassic Park a reality
option 1 problem with altering things is that they can have an increased affect on the present the farther back you go in time. So doing something minor hundreds of years ago can have a huge influence on the present. Doing something millions of years ago can alter the current time to make it nothing like it was before. If you're interested, the story A Sound of Thunder shows what happens when an extremely small change was done because of time travel.
Nice idea for a poll I'll go with option 3. This is what I have used in my own RPG adventures dealing with time travel. And who could argue with The Doctor?
But who knows the power that could be contained in all those WW2 rifles if they were moved through time. For all we know, it could alter the space-time continuum!
My favorite option is X-Men time travel, not sure what if falls under, but Apocalypse uses it to be a badass.
Only x-men timetravel story I have read was the Cable series, so I have no clue if that worked the same.
Personally, i believe in Parallel Universes, so that in time travel, you just make a new universe, in which all the changes you have made have happened. It also makes it impossible to get back to your "real" home, but thats just a minor inconvenience. What is closest to that?
Three, still get the benefits of one (i.e. munies), but can skip back a bit to fix minor screw ups as well.
Option 2. With the power to traverse time comes a disconnection with any sense of reality. I shall become the ultimate dreamer, where all of existence is my landscape. There is no thread of time to call home. All currents in the flow of the timestream will be my destination and my origin. My alpha and omega. I shall revel in my absolute power for time infinite.