Post your dreams!

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by Kaaraa, Aug 16, 2008.

Post your dreams!

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by Kaaraa, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    I made this thread so we could all share those wierd dreams we've had at one time or another. I'll start:

    So, the dream starts out with me, dressed somewhat like Peter Pan's Mr. Smee, except the hat is a do-rag, I'm wearing a brown leather vest, and I'm not fat. I'm in a city built on the ocean (like an oil rig) participating in a Pirate-Off competition. The first competition is an eating contest where the participants have to eat a series of disgusting foods. A stereotypical French man named Jacques, who is on my team, participates in the eating contest and wins by a landslide, eating a bowl of raw anchovies and wasabi, and an octopus that has been fermenting for a couple of months, being probably 90% mold.

    The next competition is trivia with a twist: For each correct question, the player gets various parts - engine parts, wings, and so on. For each incorrect question, the plank that the player is standing on has a support beam removed from it, and if this happens five times the player's plank falls out beneath him, dropping them and the parts they've earned into the brine, which is more for humiliation than actuall injury.

    However, an old hag who looks like an emaciated Kathy Griffin has rigged my plank to lose supports at her command, and has also filled the water below with pirahna/electric eel hybrid fish. she jumps out of the crowd and shrieks "REVENGE!!!" at me, to which I reply "I don't even know you!" She paused at this, then shrieked again and pressed a button, making all the supports give way.

    I clung to the edge of the dock and manage to live, but some of the best parts I had earned - a megaman arm cannon, a pair of flamingo wings, and a tortoise shell all fell into the water and were never recovered. my teammate Jacques and other anonymous teammates gather around, agreeing on how much my near death experience and loss of parts sucked. I tell them to forget about it and get to building, because we still have the final event to go to the next day.

    The third and final event is a sea race - The parts we earned have been used to modify our pirate ships into aircraft carriers, as well as to build fighter aircraft. The carriers will race to the finish line, while the fighters will fend off other fighters and attempt to bomb other ships.

    My ship, which is being pilotted by the anonymous crew, looks to be made out of rusty sheet metal and multicolored pieces of Lego. The aircraft I'm pilotting resembles a WWI-WWII fighter plane, except the back end is made out of a giant fish tail, also having lego/sheet metal components, and is armed with twin miniguns. Jacques's fighter has a Flamingo's torso for the chassi, giant bat wings, and a half-dozen flagella on the back. Inside the flamingo's mouth is mounted a plasma cannon. The rest of the fighters on my team look like JACK from Gears of War, but with a shoddy design.

    The race starts, and we fly up into the sky. Jacques is being a showoff, taking out a bunch of fighters while doing flips and twists and turns. an enemy fighter shoots out one of his wings, and he crash lands onto our carrier for repairs. Meanwhile, my fighter drones are duking it out while I'm making my way to an enemy carrier, which is white with a bunch of gold swirly designs (kind of like the Nautilus from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen).

    The last thing I remember is flying rapidly toward the enemy carrier, then time seemed to slow down...and then I woke up.
  2. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    i dreamed i got eated by a whale.
  3. Protosschick99

    Protosschick99 New Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Costa Mesa, CA
    I've got a crazy dream.....Several in fact. Here is one that happened to me back in May of 2007 [My dreams are VERY graphic!!]

    Let's just say it was pretty crazy...Scary....I pray that NEVER happens to me. But it made me laugh, lolz. I know this will make you think I'm wierd as you read what happened in the beginning--But it was the ending that made me bust up laughing [​IMG]

    Alrighty--Here we go.

    I was an employee in a theatre. A movie theatre. I was running around doing what I could to help out different employees. I was in some sort of management position. As I was coming out of the concession stand, the manager over me told me to go and help out "so and so" in the women's bathroom. He was mopping it up.

    It was REALLY late at night and that part of the theatre was closed. We were cleaning it up for the next day. As I walked myself down the hall I looked around the deserted part of the theatre. Something was wrong. I didn't feel peace about going to go help this man mop up the bathroom floor.

    It just didn't feel right. I was already at the door when I see him look up at me and smile this nasty ugly "Ooo I like what I see as I'm checking you out." smile.

    I said, "Hello soandso. Let me give you a hand." (I can't remember whether his name was Bert or Rob. I think it was Bert.)

    So I grab the other mop already there and we are mopping up the bathroom floor. Suddenly Bert goes to the door and closes it. My heart begins to race as I look up at him. He grabs me by the neck and slams me against the wall. I grab his one hand with both my own and try to free myself.

    He gets me down on the floor and I am struggling, screaming, crying out for help. He has my mouth covered and I am literally fighting for my life. He is able to pull my pants down but I am kicking and screaming.

    Well guess what? He rapes me.

    But while he is "in the process", I am able to grab his head and poke my thumbs deep into his eyes.

    "AHHHHH!!!" He screams. I then grab him by the neck and slam him down next to me. I have him in a choke hold with one arm and I am continually slamming my fist into his face. I mean seriously--He is jacked up--I am beating him down BAD. His nose is broken, he's got blood everywhere, a bruise is already beginning to form around his eye, giving him a black eye. He is stunned, barely fighting but pretty much out of it from the butt kick'n I gave him.

    Feebly and numbly while having him in a choke hold, I pull my pants up and get to the busy part of the theatre. Everyone is shocked as they see me dishevled and Bert all messed up bloody and beaten.

    "HE RAPED ME!!" I cry out.

    Suddenly they grab him and I collapse to the floor. My employers call my parents abd the police and my parents rush to the scene immediately. Not only are my parents there, but some members of my church. One of them is named Tammy. She is an awesome woman of God who is like a mother to me and has looked to me as a daughter.

    She was in the military back in the day--So she is a VERY tough woman, lolz [​IMG] She comes up to me and says, "Where is he??"

    I point and instantly she goes over to Bert, grabs him in a head lock and just totally beats the crap outta him, AHAHAHAHAHAHALOLZ!! [​IMG] She literally drags him to her car and I am following her wondering what the heck she's gonna do. My mom stops me and shakes her head. "Gracie no. Stay here."

    All I see is Tammy peeling out in her huge caddilac and then I turn to my mom and say, "Awww....I wanted to see."

    lolz--And then my dream ends.
  4. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    this is a repeat thread :O
  5. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    it was morning, but it wasnt that sunny
    it was foggy outside, this happens mostly during the rainy season
    i began to walk around the house, but it seems no one was here

    i walked outside to see if someone is there
    but all i can see was the thick mist that encases the place

    and then.... i hear moans....
    i followed the sounds and walked briskly towards it
    only to find corpses on the ground...

    i see them and their flesh rotting
    the smell was unimaginable
    it was unbearable

    then.... something moved
    a hand flinched, and i thought, this guy was still alive
    once again, the moans started again, and they were all moving

    i hurried back to the house, and went to the backyard
    i hid in the shack, only to find M16s and sniper rifles
    a few grenades and a BFG in my arsenal

    and so i knew what to to
    im going to play resident evil...

    but for real....
  6. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States
    D'oh. :(
  7. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    Yeah because i remember letting everyone know about my scary medieval spider killing dream.
  8. Protosschick99

    Protosschick99 New Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Costa Mesa, CA
    I had a dream that I killed Nova :O

    Nova as in StarCraft Ghost Nova!! :O
  9. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Too bad there was no mod around to merge them:rolleyes:
  10. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    this night
    me= american citizie

    flying saucers appaer one news
    one appears in the sky
    it gets attacked by 2 f-16's
    they wage battle a few miles away
    f-16 drops nuke
    the shockwave throws an f-16 at my hed
  11. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    So uhh last night, VERY strange dream that is kind of hard to remember... which I've had before!

    So I'm in this building, and it's very Halo-ish, except there are strange two-dimensional V's kinda like what a stick-figure distanced bird looks like in a drawing, but thicker and doesnt go back down on the sides, and they are like... as black as possible. It's like rather than being something, they are holes in whatever would have been there with absolutely NO light.

    So I'm like running around this massive kind of like... Halo-styled Theatre/Cathedral with a Protoss color scheme, and I'm like avoiding weird goblin things bearing Halo weapons and using Halo vehicles... and I can't remember, but I think there were some people that were 'allied' to me, but I don't remember who they were or what they even looked like... I'm fairly sure it was a group of my friends and online friends (how I imagine they look like, I guess...). Anywho, I'm running around somehow blowing up vehicles and mowing down goblins, even though I don't ever remember weilding a gun... but I do remember throwing a plasma grenade at a Wraith, even though it bounced like a frag grenade and blew up a pillar. These black V's exist in HUGE swarms, and they just fly around aimlessly in a swarm shape lazily until something moving gets too close to them. They then proceed to completely own the crap out of whatever it was that moved... it looks kind of like the keys in the first Harry Potter. I remember glancing to my left or right while running from an enemy mob and seeing a goblin or vehicle just getting owned by this black swarm-mob thing. So I eventually make my way outside through this giant... what... ground-level docking bay for ground vehicles? And the field-like terrain is littered with huge towers, also very Halo/Protoss/Goblin-styled. And there is this GIGANTIC MOB OF BLACK Vs THAT IS GIANT AND HUGE AND FORMS THIS LIKE PILLAR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TERRAIN THAT I CAN SEE. And I'm like trying to access something on top of one of the tallest towers in order to kill this main-character guy that is hunting me by commanding Goblin minions (I guess his role is kind of like The Baron's nephew in the first Dune books?). And I like get the attention of the GIGANTIC SWARM-MOB OF DEATH and they swarm toward me and the entire goblin armada is behind me and im like OMGWTFBBQ and then I woke up.

    The weird thing is, I like ran around the main building/some of the outside terrain for like 10 dream-hours doing absolutely nothing except random assorted actions in certain rooms, and having run-ins with strange versions of the Vs, goblins, and that weird main-character dude hunting me, who would always point his finger at me and yell something that sounded german, then random Goblins would appear from nowhere and start chasing and shooting me again. The entire dream seemed to be like... reading 2 chapters based on a huge battle in a book that is kind of like Dune-sized, except the entire thing is a first-person shooter... without a weapon.

    EDIT: Like i said earlier, I've had this dream before, and I think the first time I dreamed more of the beginning of it which gave it more of a plot and made more sense... but I don't ever remember going outside in this first dream... lol, it's like a 2-part dream... THAT WAS REALLY FUN!