Possible Easter Egg/Forshadow?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Michael_Liberty, Mar 2, 2009.

Possible Easter Egg/Forshadow?

  1. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Okay so I was just going back over the SC1 Map Editor when I ran across a unit that struck my attention the Archon Hero for the protoss. It's a combination of Tassadar and Zeratul. Could this mean that somehow Tassadar survived or his spirit did at least, enough to meld with Zeratul thus creating a being of both high and dark templar, perhaps this could be just the leader that the protoss truly need and deserve. Obviously they could have named that unit anything it didn't have to do with anyone or anything like most other units, there were only a few that overlapped being Raynor, who was three heroes, Duke, Kerrigan, and Zeratul who were all two and Tassadar who was also three. What do you think? Does this have any possibility whatsoever?
  2. Tassadar and Zeratul were originally going to merge in the first game but they changed that before the final release. I guess they just left that unit in for the hell of it. An easter egg possibly like you said.

    I think there's a Wikipedia article about this since I've heard this explained before but I can't find it at the moment. I'm sure through the wonders of Google you can find an equivalent though.
  3. Arvendragon

    Arvendragon Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Ahh Google and Wikipedia. They have everything.

    But a good idea.
    Maybe Tassadar WILL return though?

    Or maybe, Tassadar and Zeratul merge in order to stop the Xel'Naga?
    Or to stop Ulzeraj?
  4. He will be "returning" in the third Dark Templar book, last I heard, in spirit form through the Khala

    Also, a book centered around Tassadar is in planning so he will be returning in that sense as well. I believe it's called "Ire Of Adun".
  5. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Tassadar won't be returning that way. A dead close friend's memories (Fenix?) will enable us to see what Tassadar was doing.

    Wikipedia doesn't have an article on Tassadar/Zeratul; you'd need to visit a specific wiki. You could try here.

    Tassadar/Zeratul is obviously not canon; it's only found in StarEdit.
  6. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Do easter eggs have to be canon? If Tassadar/Zeratul were in the actual game it wouldn't be an easter egg it'd be hitting you in the face with it.
  7. You're right, Kimera757. Sometimes I forget that a Wikia and the Wikipedia are different things. When I referred to the Wikipedia, I meant the StarCraft Wikia :D

    You're right. I edited my paragraph around last night but my internet crapped out during the save so I couldn't change it. I had to leave my modem unplugged all night. Damn Comcast.

    Anyways, what I said with regards to Tassadar possibly coming back through the Khala was related to the "Ire Of Adun" novel; not the third book in the Dark Templar Saga. This information can be found in one of Chris Metzen's interviews with SCLegacy and in the recent interview with Medievaldragon which is still up on the BlizzPlanet main page.

    But, they're not so it's impossible unless Blizzard does something crazy.
  8. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    It's impossible to return in "spirit form through the Khala". That makes no sense.

    q&a batch 26:
    You should definitely brush up on your SC lore.
  9. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I may have to look up that interview again, but I think they just meant Tassadar would be featured in the novel. (Not a surprise, given the title, Heir of Adun.)

    Gah, long quote:

    Source: http://wow.incgamers.com/blog/comme...on-pocket-star-books-lore-qa-video-interview/
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  10. @Aedus1160:

    I meant "spirit form" as in not a real come back. At least not a come back in the way you think. I meant it in a way that Adun was shown in the Dark Templar Saga; "spirit form" through the Khala. But, regardless, Chris Metzen clearly stated that it's "probable that Tassadar's spirit is out there somewhere" and "given what the Khala is" it's possible he could return in the manor I'm talking about. If you had read the Dark Templar Saga books then I'm sure you would have understood that characters can be "brought back". Through the Khala, everything is recorded. This information can be stored in a Preserver or in certain crystals. So, what I and Chris Metzen are talking about is completely different than what you are talking about.

    Put away your anger and you may be able to see the true meaning behind my posts.

    @Kimera757: I believe Medievaldragon corrected that transcription error since I copied and pasted that article in a topic I made on WarBoards.org and in it the name "Ire Of Adun" was given.

    As far as Tassadar being featured, I see what you're saying. It's possible that it could go either way. Chris Metzen seemed to hint that Tassadar will play a big part in that possible novel but it's also possible that he won't be the main focus since Adun may be.

    -- Yeah, it's been confirmed. Medievaldragon corrected the name from "Ire Of Adun" to "Heir Of Adun" since other websites reported the title of "Ire Of Adun" since they copied and pasted.

  11. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Chris also states the last line for a reason: "I wouldn’t count on his pulling a “Medivh” any time soon… (if ever)." His spirit IS out there. That's what the Khala is. But if you weren't busy declaring your own infallibility and read the quote I provided, you'd see that it's disjointed, making it very hard, if not impossible for him to come back. The best they can hope to do is excise certain "strands" from the Khala.

    PS: Characters aren't "brought back" in the Dark Templar saga. Their memories are extracted. Jake never got to talk to Vetraas, Adun, Temlaa or Savassan personally.

    Hey. Just trying to offer some constructive criticism, no need to push the panic button. :)
  12. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    The temperature is rising.

    Comments like "Put away your anger and you may be able to see the true meaning behind my posts." and "But if you weren't busy declaring your own infallibility and read the quote I provided" aren't helping.

    I'll give a personal anecdote. My mother has known my brother all his life (no kidding, right) and he'll be 34 this year. She gets into a fight with him at least once a week. I get into a fight with him once a year. She simply has no idea why the two always get ticked off at each other, even after I've told her. Maybe that's what's happening here.

    Please avoid personal comments; just focus on the arguments themselves. Thanks.
  13. Do you not understand how a come back similiar to Medivh is not at all what I'm talking about? Medivh was believed to be dead but was not. Tassadar is clearly dead and will (almost surely) not be physically brought back... ever

    I said "return", "spirit form", (note the quotations ... Why would I use those?) and "returning in that sense as well". I think I did more than necessary to demonstrate my point. And, clearly, I meant brought back as in we get to see them again. I don't think that could be any clearer.

    So, you agree with me? What's this about then? I never said Tassadar would be reincarnated a la the Overmind. I just said we'd be seeing more of him and, in the time line of StarCraft, it will be in the past.

    And, no, you're not offering constructive criticism. You clearly insulted my knowledge of StarCraft. Insults are not constructive.

    @Kimera757: Aedus has already stated that he wants to "drag my name through the mud" and to "make me look like a fool". And, because I know this, I'm not going to respond to his "personal comments".

    -- For final clarification, Tassadar will be shown through "astral projection" (Taken from dictionary for "spirit". Astral projection is a definition of simplified definition or a word of similiar measing to "spirit") like Adun and the other past characters were shown. No those characters are not really physically brought back nor is it really them. It's just replay of a recording. The same recording I was talking about when I said "Through the Khala, everything is recorded. This information can be stored in a Preserver or in certain crystals." It's similiar to a DVD. What is shown is a projection of the information recorded.

    Now, when I said they'll be returning, I meant that we'll get to see them again, hence, why I said Tassadar will be returning "in that sense".
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2009
  14. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Chris was implying that Tassadar's spirit never died, has a stable grasp on this world, and thus, "given the upcoming themes they've devised" is still possible for him to be physically alive.

    But again, that's not correct since his spirit does not return. Is someone like Arvendragon, who you were replying to, supposed to guess that you are referring to a preserver extracting his memories from the Khala when you say "return in spirit form"?

    No, you're referring to things I did in the past. And please don't take the moral high ground; you said things just as bad in our PMs. :)

    A replay of a recording is neither astral projection or a "return in spirit". Astral projection is an out of body experience where the spirit leaves the body, whereas Jake experiences all his memories inside his own brain.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  15. I'll take your post as clarification of what I meant since the post you are referring to I've already said was incomplete because my internet crapped out when I was saving it. So, let's call it that and be done with it. I have a bad habit of posting something then heavily editing it afterwards. If my internet is cut off during that iteration process than what I am saying loses some of it's meaning. Although, in my defense, I clarified in later posts.

    It's possible but when I said Tassadar was dead I meant physically. The rest of what you are saying is similiar to what I'm saying so, again, I'll call it a clarification on speculation and be done with it. Still, I doubt Tassadar will be physically brought back since that would be too similiar to Medivh which Chris Metzen has said they have no intention of doing. But, it's never been like Blizzard to not use themes from other games. Just look at Kerrigan and Arthas.

    That's the most common real world definition. Astral projection also means a projection on an "astral plane" which is something like a projected world inside of one's mind. Zamara created an "astral plane" based on the memories she had stored. Jake experienced the memories through astral projection on this astral plane created in his mind. This is something that is shown in media where a person's mind is represented by a tangible world. It's similar to a dream. For example, a calm person's astral plane could be represented by a calm beach with soothing sounds of the ocean. And, that's the sense that the dictionary I used talked about the word and that's the context I was using it in but maybe I've been playing too much Planescape: Torment and that's not the default interpretation of the word.

    No, they're pretty similar when you use them in the context that I am.