Ugh. You all know the drill. I'm new. Being new I am entitled to many things. and minerals...lots of minerals. Ok seriousley though. Hi. Ive been watching these forums for a while. I never registered mainly because I'm lazy. Ive been playing starcraft for roughly 3 years off and on, and heres the kicker I still suck. Word to the wise, if you want to get good, DO NOT PLAY ONLY UMS Maps. That is all. General infoz. Age: 18 Profession: U.S. Army/Part time jobs where I can get them. Location: U.S. of A. thats about it. I do however have a question. Search has not helped me, and the information section didn't help me either. Shop has items. Shop's items have a limited stock. Item runs out of stock. How often does shop refill? Or does it? Thanks for your time. P.S. Thanks BnechbReaker for the excellent avi. You did a great job.
Hello and welcome to the best SC2 forums you can find. Please read the forum rules and enjoy your stay. PM me if you have any questions
now there are 2 people with my running marine avatar, i thought your were major willy when i first saw one of your posts.
@ Markus: Thanks man! @Lichking: Hmm.. Ill get back to you on that... @ Everyone else: Thanks, no double posting it is! and thanks for the welcome!