Poll : Mothership

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by LordKerwyn, Aug 4, 2007.


What do you think should have been done with the Mothership?

  1. The Mothership should stay the way it was in the original gameplay video.

    0 vote(s)
  2. It should stay a superunit you can only have one of but with minor balancing changes.

    0 vote(s)
  3. The Mothership should stay the way it was shown at blizzcon.

    0 vote(s)
  4. The Mothership should be completely scrapped and a new unit built to take its place.


Poll : Mothership

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by LordKerwyn, Aug 4, 2007.

  1. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I know there is already a topic on this but a poll seems like it would be good for this topic.

    P. S.This is my first post so if i made any mistakes plz modify it so it is correct
  2. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Welcome to the forum. Always good to start off with a hot topic!!

    I liked the idea of the original. It fits with the whole Protoss idea of "Absurdly high cost, but total pwnage in a jar"
  3. Eye_Carumba

    Eye_Carumba New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    I think overpowering units don't fit Starcraft. Even the mightiest protoss unit was still vulnerable if you use the right strategy, and Mothership required especifically that you sacrifice many units to take it out. No way around it. What's the fun in that? It's got to have vulnerability, so I vote it stays better this way. I'm not into scrapping it and redoing it because I'm afraid of what would come out. But sincerely I still would like it to have more buffs than the current one. As long as it doesn't return to the original, it's a great concept and should replace Arbiters in the cloaking.
  4. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    My personal view is that the orignal Mothership was/is a great idea but it needed a weakness and a few tweakes to make it balanced. The super unit idea in general fit the protoss really well if follow the few powerful unit idea ll the way to the end you end up with a single really powerful unit you can only have a limited number of.

    P. S. ty for the welcome Fenix
  5. hillzagold

    hillzagold New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    the old mothership idea sounded awesome. a few balancing tweaks like having it cost more each time you make it or such would have been nice.
  6. ArchLimit

    ArchLimit New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Okay, everyone, here are my official thoughts on the Mothership. And Lord Kerwyn, I've been wanting to talk about this for a while and this seemed like the best place to post it as opposed to making another redundant topic. So thanks and welcome to the forum.

    I see the changes made to the Mothership as having PROs and CONs. I've really thought quite a bit about why they would make such a drastic change, especially when it was previewed in the demo, and here's what I came up with.

    PROs: On a narrative and thematic level, yes, the Mothership should have stayed the way it was like the original demo showed with only some minor changes. It makes things a lot more interesting for the Protoss and makes their race stand out in their own way much more effectively. I think it fits, as many of you have mentioned, with the thematic element of the Protoss as having expensive, but powerful, units. I would personally love for Blizzard to figure out a way to have this work out somehow.

    CONS: When I really think about it though, I realized that to create something like the Mothership in a game like SC, it really is a difficult difficult task to facilitate the kind of unit that it was as shown in the demo. It's powers, though thematically consistent with the Protoss, might just be overdoing it a little. What the MS ultimately is, is a Hero unit, in SC2, much like the ones in WC3. Now, when you get something this powerful, so powerful that it limits it to one, there is A LOT of weight in terms of balance on this one single unit. AND, you can't even really get it at full power until the end of the game. So basically, this means that for the most part of the game, the Protoss is required to somehow match the power of the other races that don't rely on such a single powerful unit. If they DON'T succeed in doing this, then the game will be highly unbalanced for the most part. Or, if they DO manage to balance it out for most of it, then the addition of a super almighty unit like the mothership near the end of the game would tip the scales immensely.

    Okay, that being said, I'm sure many of you, including myself, would think that, well, units like the Thor won't come into play until near the end of the game either. So basically, if you're gonna compare the earlier stages of the game amongst the races, then it's no problem because by the time the other races big guys come out, you can have the mothership. So It's even all throughout.

    HOWEVER, the biggest problem lies in the fact that, if the Mothership is meant to balance out the high ranking units like the Thor and what not, LOSING a mothership in battle would be just such a terrible price to pay; whereas killing off 1 Thor out of the 5 or 6 of the enemy would hardly matter much at all.

    So basically, although the Mothership works very well narratively and thematically, and I would personally LOVE to have them work out the way they did in the demo, I can understand the incredible difficulty Blizzard is having with trying to balance these guys in.

    My suggestions for alternatives:

    A) Put the cap at a low number of Motherships, say 3, so it still fits thematically but isn't as critical of a loss as 1.

    B) Have the Mothership, after it's created, be an everlasting unit, sort of like the nature of "Pheonix" in the legendary sense. It can be killed, but will be respawned psionically or something with a time delay. (Not a big fan of this idea cuz it can just get really annoying for the other players to deal with)

    Let me know what you guys think. If I come across as soundin' kinda crazy then lemme know as well, haha. I'm all up for suggestions, I'd just love to come up with a great idea for Blizzard to have this wonderful unit work out.
  7. Sagathox

    Sagathox New Member

    Jun 10, 2007
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    oh i didnt noticed this topic i swear it wasnt there when i was making my poll, so i guess ill just delete mine, i think your is better.

    As for the topic, i hate the new mothership, it should be a SUPER unit, not a gigantic arbiter, so please blizzard i know you read what users want, bring back the super unit mothership, just fix it, dont make it useless
  8. Armadeo

    Armadeo New Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    While the new mothership isn't exactly my favorite unit, I can see why Blizzard changed it. Starcraft is a game of hard counters and niched units. Every units serves a specific role in the battlefield, and every unit can be defeated easily by at least one other unit. The mothership, as an ultimate, one-of-a-kind unit, simply doesn't fit into this system. The mothership, for all its power, was simply too easily countered for it to remain a one-of-a-kind unit; however, at the same time, it was too powerful to allow the production of more than one mothership per Protoss player.

    Now, by weakening the mothership and allowing the production of more than one, Blizzard can make the mothership a worthwhile unit while at the same time making it easy to counter.

    In short, this weakened mothership will probably be more useful than the one-of-a-kind mothership. Don't think of the mothership as, well, a mothership. Think of it as a really big, really powerful, anti-ground air unit. In fact, I think I'd like this new mothership better if Blizzard changed its name and its lore. As of right now, it doesn't really make much sense for the Protoss to build armies of floating cities and giving them no aerial defense.
  9. Sagathox

    Sagathox New Member

    Jun 10, 2007
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    Armadeo i understand what your saying but i tought starcraft 2 was a new game, so why are they afraid of changing something, i want somenthing new, so when i buy my copy of starcraft 2 i wont get just starcraft 1.5, no new sistems or ideas, just better graphics, i mean, come on, they had 10 years! 10 years to think a LOT of balancing, they cant be that limited specially with starcraft 2.
  10. hillzagold

    hillzagold New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    lol wut? the mothership is much more powerfdul then the thor, so if you lose your mothership and only manage to take out one thor, you obviously aren't as good as the other guy.
  11. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    I didn't really like the blackhole and timebomb ability, I think revamping its special abilities would be a good idea, just like what they are doing right now. I still think that it should have an anti air attack. Like many people here have put forward, the mothership will not stand a chance against scourges if they do not have an anti air attack. I'd like to see the mothership to have a similar anti air attack to the corsair. A large but weak area of effect attack. The Warp Rays have concentrated lasers to bombard large units, so the mothership needs to balance this out by having a large AoE attack.
  12. string_me_along

    string_me_along New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    Mothership? The name is way overused. It's too stereotypical. I'd rather the Protoss be given something else and with a better name. And I don't want a glorified, unnecessarily expensive arbiter-like to cloak things. Give it a real attack? Sure thing. Make it the mothership-cum-cloak? No, I want a cheaper unit that I get more of to extend the number of units cloaked.
  13. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I just thought of something does anyone know whether or not the original mothership could be built again after its destroyd? I know that when i read about it said each player could only have 1 in play at a time but i havnt come across anythign saying it could or could nbot be rebuilt.
  14. Indigent

    Indigent New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    I like the new mother ship and everything but the cloaking thing is a bad idea. There is no point to it. Why would you need it I mean, just give another unit that ability. If you give the mother ship too many abilities, it will be too imballanced and will not have a specific role. When you go to the official website it will say Protoss capital ship/ Cloaker/ Spell Caster.
  15. JudicatorPrime

    JudicatorPrime New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    I voted superunit... its as if they didn't even try to balance and just made it less super.

    Being a MOTHERSHIP, it kind of doesn't make sense that you're able to make a mass of them, especially with Carriers being the new/old flagship of the Protoss.
  16. kehmdaddy

    kehmdaddy New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    I'm very upset that Blizzard decided to take away what I thought was one of their best ideas for the Protoss. The Mothership basically embodies the whole Protoss mantra in that it is a very powerful but expensive unit. I think the Mothership would've been completely fine by just removing the Black Hole ability. No air attack really sucks, and the cloaking field just doesn't feel right at all for this unit. I heard they changed Planet Cracker to only have one beam now, which also disappoints me. I didn't love the way it looked before, but I thought the animations were cool that went along with it. I would like it if there was one very large beam in the middle, and then at each of the points of its peninsulas, have another beam.
  17. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    i think the original could be balanced, with a bit of tweaking.
  18. JudicatorPrime

    JudicatorPrime New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    Mother ship=unit I don't think I'll find myself using often... Carriers ftw. Since before it was a 'super' unit, the word alone gave me incentive to use it.. now it sounds like dump..
  19. JimSkarrj

    JimSkarrj New Member

    Jul 13, 2007
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    I'd like to see it come back as the one off super unit... or if they want keep it as in... (weaker and more numerous i think they should re think the whole concept.... especially the name.

    but i think the mothership could be balanced.... as a super unit. but it think it quite silly that it wouldnt have air defences....
    i think something along the lines of:
    4 attacks at once... simulateous attack (4 ground, 4 air or 6 of both at same time)
    counter measures: the mothership deploys counter measures which absorb X amounts of all missile damage. (this i think wouldnt work- would just be like another shield- hmm)
    black hole-- can it... was op
    time stop: can it.
    Planet cracker: keep.

    particle whip: the mothership lauches several particle whips at all nearby flying targets, draining their life and converting their matter into energy. If unit is killed under the effects mothership gains life and mana.

    Private army: The mothership's launch bays open and its own army assembles to attack foes (similar to interceptors except they have an ability similar to phoenix fire in W3. and cannot be hit.

    there are way more possibilities and cooler ones for sure that it could have.. i think the whole bigger arbitor is gay.
  20. Indigent

    Indigent New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    Yeah, it should have the same effect as the phase prism only except they don't have to be pre assembled(Teleporting units, like a giant building that flys only except digitizing but they all come out at once and they aren't your units. Disapear in a short time since they are just an army called from somewhere else? I know that is how you get units from a gateway in the first place.). I like the planet cracker thing and the particle whip. I don't remember what a pheonix was from W3. It should have like a warning and maybe a time before it actually drains units, or maybe just there hp/shield? And the lowest it can go to is like 1 hp considering you are just draining, not sucking there life force or something like the soul hunter. One of the reasons we got rid of the soul hunter was because it had the wierd name, look, and draining ability.