well, this is one of the two threads i am giving the forum for ma birthday here we go from pokemon 1-last, telling the name and explaining it, as an example ill start with #1 YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN THE NAME AS WELL AS THE CREATURE Bulbasaur the bulb stands for the bulb on its back, i am not suer about the saur, but i think it has something to do with it looking like a dinosaur next one- ivysaur
Venasaur It's a really big dinosaur that evolves from Ivysaur. It has a big flower on its back that shoots lasers at people. Remember when this was easy with the original 150? Ok, I don't know the next one, I think it's Charmander
charmander!! fire lizard. a strong flame burning at the end of its tale indicates good health evolves into...
people, you are supposed to explain the name as well Charmeleon bigger more aggresive version of charmander, is also red char means a small fire or sumthin and meleon comes from kameleon, and it kinda looks like a walking red kameleon
Charmeleon. A chameleon with a typo. Basically the same as Charmander, only bigger, stronger, faster, etc. /edit: to slow. Charizard Even bigger than Charmeleon, now owns wings. Char (hot planet with fire and lava and stuff) + lizard.
beat ya to it and srsly EXPLAIN THE NAMES Charizard Big hunking dragon that has a tail on fire Char=small fire zard comes from hazard
#7squirtle watersquirting turtle squirt comes from the fact that he squirts water rtle comes frome turtle so the name is basically a mix of squirt and turtle
Wartortle Still a water squirting turtle, slightly bigger than Squirtle, has bigger ears and a bigger tail and more offensive power (able to fight a war). Name: war+ turtle (typo, again!) *throws master ball* . Gotcha! Light was caught. Light's data was added to the Pokedex ("A rare communist Pokemon [...]") Give a nickname to captured Light? No Light was transferred to Someone's PC.
Caterpie Second most epic Pokemon (after Magikarp) in terms of stats, attacks and pure awesomeness. Name is a a variant of caterpillar and has nothing to do with catering pies.
metapod probably more useless then magikarp who can actually learn an attack, twin brother/sister of kakuna, damn, i forgot where the name comes from
metapod has attacks if you elvolve him from cater pie butterfree? from butterfly, drugs other pokemon with various powders
weedle comes from weed and beetle, i think, but that makes no sense at all yellow caterpie with a poison sting
Kakuna Twin brother/sister of metapod, also only a filler between the first and last evolution and thus useless. Very weird spelling of cocoon (or something else). Magikarp is the most useful Pokemon every, if you use it correctly it is able to kill Zapdos with one attack. Never forget that :3
beedrill thing i was afraid of as a kid, looks like a bee, except for the fact that it has three giant stingers and is giant itself names comes from bee and drill
Pidgey It looks like a bird of prey but it's gentle. Name comes from Pigeon and baby. Pi(d)g+(e)y= Pidgey!
Pidgeotto It's a really big version of Pidgey. It looks like a hawk or such. It comes from Pidgeon + otto, which is obviously a German name, which implies back to the ages of the German empire, so hence, it's a German pigeon. I think they just added the suffix to make it sound cool
pidgeot even bigger version of pidgey, but with a groovy hairstyle, its name comes from pidgeon, and it has a typo