Playing Starcraft II

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Lobsterlegs, Jun 18, 2010.

Playing Starcraft II

  1. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    I have a problem... well two problems actually, second one is not that important though. To put it short if you don't want to read everything:

    1) I want to play all the races, but want to limit myself to playing one at the same time because I like competative Starcraft.

    2) I feel strong playing different races in different situations, thus a problem because my T(me)vT is worse than my P(me)vT although I'm a terran player. Some matchups I like and others I don't.

    ((not actually a problem because I COULD force myself to only practice TvT in my clan for a while till I feel comfortable))

    I really like all the three races in Starcraft 2 and really want to play all of them. The problem is, is that I want to master one race really well to increase my skill level in Starcraft II.

    One might argue that you learn a lot by playing the other races, but still I'd say sticking to one gives you far more skill in the long run. If you can convince me otherwise, go ahead.

    Before the downtime (and the league-placement-bug) I was 2'd place diamond leeague as terran. Have been in the Zotac Cup once as well (and I love it and I'm going to continue playing every week), but I haven't been able to go far (mostly because I was on the verge of shaking my mouse out of my hand).. I'm sure with focus I'll get to round 4-5 at least.
    I played Zerg in the early stages (2-3 patches) of the beta, then I changed to protoss and played that for about 6 patches, and then finally I switched to terran and it is now the race I feel the most comfortable playing, and is also the race I've played the most (I played Protoss in Broodwar by the way). Now the first problem, as mentioned earlier, is that I want to play all the races. Why? Well, firstly because I like being to play 100% of the game and not just 33,3%. Secondly, I like achievements, I like to have fun playing around with all the races and I like the idea of beeing a Starcraft 2 geek that knows how to play all the races well and not just one very good and the others mediocre.

    Here is where the second problem is. I feel comfortable in TvZ and TvP as I win over 60%, but my TvT is really bad. Thus I feel more comfortable playing Protoss when I need to play vs a Terran player. The problem, if you don't see it, is how I'm splitting everything up. I don't like TvT not only because I feel that I'm bad at it, but also because I don't like the matchup. I HATE the matchup in fact. Which makes me want to play as Protoss as my main race, because there I can play games without 33% of them ending in hour-long macrofests with a loss at the end and with a boring yawn.

    Sure, I could switch again to Protoss or Zerg, I have nothing against PvP or ZvZ. But I just like terran so much! I like the units, the style and the way you macro and micro.

    I'm going for a jog now, I'll be back and edit this some more maybe. Awaiting some answers in the meantime.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2010
  2. Korith

    Korith New Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    It sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it to... I mean you really have to decide
    1) Get good at TvT and play it and learn every aspect of it
    2) Play P or Z vs T's. (Though you can't always counter pick vs a T)

    But if you want to master all three races I say go for it because being able to counterpick is a really good. But really its just down to you having to decide what YOU want to do..
  3. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Surprisingly (or maybe not) enough, my Z and P skills GROW when I'm only playing Terran. As I learn to macro and micro and do several things at once I get to use those skills when playing Z and P.

    I guess I'm gonna try and play a bit more P and Z and see if I like them more than T. Right now am actually not bad with Zerg when playing around on the build order tester and AI. I sync the queen energy, spread out creep and just macro...

    I guess it really is up to me.
  4. Korith

    Korith New Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    I was always a P player in BW as well.. But then when I started getting into more Competitive play I started watching Boxer and NaDa videos of them using Terran and fell in love with them.. The Vulture/Tank push with SCV's building turrets/depos as walls just.. idk it was so fun and I loved it.. In SC2 thats not a really viable strat it seems so I have gone back to P..

    But I do know what you mean playing one race can help with micro/macro with the other.. Im actualy really looking foward to somebody making a Team Micro or Micro Arena for sc2 :D
  5. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    On EU servers there is a Mircro Tournament map that supports 12 players and you get to pick between swiss and round robin style of play. You play on different places on the map and micro different races (burrow, hallucination, emp etc really fun).

    The semi finals and finals are played on bigger parts of the map with Xel Naga watch towers.

    Too bad it's not that popular.

    Btw, is it worth spending time on TvT? I mean, a TvT is on average 30 minutes long for me and even longer sometimes. Am I saving energy by playing quicker mirrors?..
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2010
  6. Korith

    Korith New Member

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Hemet, Californira
    Really? I wish I played on EU servers then. Ha-Ha.
    Well personally I like the longer matchups, but you said you just don't even like the matchup at all but unless everygame you are going to be playing is an organized play (I doubt this) when you search for games as terran there is a chance that you will be playing a mirror so I think it is good to learn the matchup. just remember though.. its a game have fun with it :D
  7. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Can't make any cash playing games sadly, the "market" is crowded and you don't get payed good enough (compared to the work). Besides I'm doing great in school.. this is more like a hobby that I want progression in over time. I guess I'll focus on all 3 races, and put focus on different races (switch) at the expansions or something like that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2010
  8. Butterfly

    Butterfly New Member

    Jun 10, 2010
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    I think it's best to play One race only. You can mess with the others for fun and to learn what the timings are and how your enemy's race is played. Learn TVT now in sc2 that match up isn't near as bad as it was before. With more tech patterns and plenty of units to fight of tanks that match up is fun to actually watch now!!! When the game has been out for three months it's going to be hard to almost hold a 65% win ratio playing ONE race alone.
  9. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    I guess we can tilt the conversation to TvT strategy in general. Usually what happens is that I mass marines, tanks and vikings, but I get owned in the viking battle. Or I just try to go for a kill only to lose my army to the enemies siege tanks.

    I've been experimenting with mass expanding and also Maurader + Thor builds. Agreed, it's not THAT bad. But It's really hard for me to deal with siege tanks.
  10. RationalThought

    RationalThought New Member

    Mar 11, 2008
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    What is there to know, that isn't clearly already
    Having trouble figuring out what you're actually asking/presenting in this topic; only seem to mention what you think on the subject of playing each race.

    I opted the idea, and wont deny I'm not* the only one, but I still feel a ranking system for each race as well as perhaps a general rating should be implemented.

    In which I mean I could be in Gold as a Zerg player, and Copper as a Terran player. The general rank for all wins/loses would not per-say pit you vs players but simply show where you rank vs other players over all...for, say bragging rights only.

    I'm curious to know how it would ruin the game in anyway, or anymore then the experience feels already with combining all 3 (and randomize) races into your single ranking of skill of play.

    As most will state, least a common player I'd assume just focuses on one race, and maybe will enjoy a few build orders for their other races...but ultimately, I'd guess a average player high enough ranked would stick namely to the race they enjoy/play the best with; Hence pushing them further away from trying new races in fear of a lower rank, or simply playing vs tough opponents with a race you're not comfortable with yet.

    Again, would this change be a tough element to add? I doubt it. Would it cause issues/imbalances? I don't see how, as it merely splits rankings up with each race. For goodness sakes, it already shows what race you play wins the most indicated by the icon next to your why not just have that icon represent you're winnings/losings with that icon(race) next to your name?

    If this is way off from what your topic is about, my apologies, I went off by the general basis of the OP - as well overly general topic title...if you indeed want this to be a topic of Terran vs Terran match up strategy...that seems more or less your fault in wording/placing the thread. x.X
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2010