For those who do not use or do not prefer SCMDraft or StarForge's trigger editors, here are Player 9-12's triggers. Simply unzip the package to your StarCraft map directory. Then open up your trigger editor via StarCraft Campaign Editor or X-Tra Editor and click the button Load Triggers and search for player #.trg where # is the corresponding player. When the triggers are loaded, the triggers will appear in the All Players trigger slot. These triggers control everything for Players 9-12.
This is exciting. How long have these been around? ...and you might want to add them to your Map Development Tools and Utilities thread.
i have starcaft x-tra i have not used any others but i think x-trais the easyest one to use(mind the spelling)
question about players 9-12 hi, i was wondering what exactly players 9, 10, 11 do? i know player 12 is neutral, but what do the other players do?
They are also neutral players with no real special effects added to the game. They do make great substitutes though!