I really want to play starcraft but buying it means a big investment for me. It wouldn't be a problem if it would be just one game but there future expansions on the way and I can't afford to buy them all. I am only interested in the multiplayer part of the game. Will I be forced to buy the expansion once it comes out to continue playing multiplayer, or I can continue without worries playing, ignoring the expansion?
It's like this. You can buy StarCraft I and not Brood War, then play StarCraft I online. However, virtually no one does this, since Brood War is generally viewed as a superior multiplayer game. The StarCraft II expansions will hopefully fill balance holes in the original game. Furthermore, the expansions aren't going to be as expensive as the main game (probably $40 to $50) and you'll have years to save up for them. So I suggest not getting the expansions right away, but save up for them and wait for reviews. If they're good, buy 'em, since the pool of Wings of Liberty online players will shrink. If they're not good, don't bother, but expect to play with a smaller pool of players.
I would suggest waiting and buying them in a battle chest, blizzard has done this with Diablo 2, Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 1, so they'll probably do this with Starcraft 2. The batle chest would also come with bonus strategy guides and stuff.
Don't listen to the eyeball. Buy StarCraft 2 if you are very interested. I doubt that the expansions will be $40; I predict it to be around $30 (This means I have still a little bit of faith in Blizzard!). Yes, you have around a year to save up for Heart of the Swarm, and who knows when Legacy of the Void will come out. It is hard to imagine what financial situation that you are in. Could you elaborate on it? It is okay if you do not wish to share.
Thank you for the advice. I think I will buy it and try not to worry about the expansions too much for now. Although I doubt they will be only 40 or 30$ since they will be standalone games.
They are expansions, they are not standalone games. Hence why they will be cheaper. They will not contain the engine, the units, the maps/doodads, only the new ones they introduce. And I'd have to advise you not to wait too. An SC2 battle chest is probably 3 years away.
They are expansions? Really? I know that since they announced SC 2 they planed to make the other two games standalone. Are you sure about this? If this is the case I will run out the door to buy it right now.
If you're interrested in an awsome and solid strategy game, then deffinitely buy SC2, bro, it's easily the best there is out there and will last you a very long time. If you're not much of a strategy player and only mildly interrested in giving it a try then save your money, you might need it elsewhere. Though personally I think that with the incredible map editor they have with the game you'll find that the custom games the fans are making might be to your liking and they'll keep improving as time goes on(There are games ranging from chess to tetris, from tower defence maps to AoS(dota) style maps, from RPGs to turn-based RPGs and I guess we'll soon see some good open RPGs too. Check this search link for Husky's Use Map Settings map tests which he did quite a long time ago(these maps have evolved and many more added to that): http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=husky+ums&aq=f
No. Blizzard said, they will sell at the PRICE OF AN EXPANSION. Whether they will be standalone or not, I don't know.
Who knows, maybe Blizz will get smart and make it so that even though you're play HotS you can still interact with WoL. Would be neat.
I'd check out forums carefully before buying this - especially re. all the problems getting the game to run - and even worse - trying to keep it running. I only wish I'd read around a little first, rather than spending huge amounts of time on the "helpline" only to be blithely told to download it AGAIN - well, I suppose I've got nothing better to do for the next 7 hours. Good luck with buying the game - personally I wouldn't touch any Blizzard software ever again with a 10 foot pole - all I wanted to do was play a bl**dy game
Which will surely come with additional units for all 3 races. Though since we're expecting 2 expansions this time I wouldn't expect too many new units per expansion since the second one would then complicate stuff quite a bit, but yeah it'll be a continuation of the campaign with probably some additional multiplayer stuff, expanded graphics etc. That's my guess at least, surely it can be quite far from what will come