SFJLAHFJLAKNCNSFJKN~!DJFNAJKCN! Can't explain how mad. Playing as protoss against terran. He tries to cheese sort of and put a barracks in my base and a bunker. I stop it intime and make him retreat. I go in to attack him with stalkers, ect. He flies EVERYTHING away as I'm killing it. I'm chasing things down but then he flies to the islands that you can't reach on ground. Somehow gets a bunch of air attack and wins the game because I couldn't get any air of my own. FKANCJNASJKLASNCJQWCLWANCJKQNDJ! Want to break something.
We all have our crappy days. For example, I just got off from losing six out of seven 3v3s, getting cannon rushed during the last game and managing to cut open my finger on my keyboard - I am pissed right the fuck off right about now.
Seriously...I would have had the damn game one if they didn't have those islands. I had plenty of stalkers and everything to finish him off. **** Oh and of course the guy had to message me after to tell me that I'm horrible then sign off.
Next time your opponent is on the run, turn it into a resource war and expand more than he does. This will help you when you get evaded by their dwindling forces and keep a counterattack small in perspective with your own forces.
I've had that done to me as protoss on scrap station, and I've done it to people as terran on scrap station (I play random) The trick is to stop ground-unit production immediately and switch to air, double star-gates with chrono on them. It will be a while before he comes back at you with vikings/banshees, but you can be sure that he will, so it's a race. Sorry to hear you had a bad day though.
Terrans who clearly lose and end of going to islands should be banned from bnet for 3 days for the amount of time they make people waste.... like for myself I had to deal with this dumbass who planted like 50 friggin AA on an island i control the whole map (literally like 9 Nexuses) and he had only rines vikings and the island was just covered in turrets... spent a frickin hour killing him off so stupid....
See. Thats exactly what my guy did. I went air. Got like 3 vr's. Went up to hit base and he had turrets surrounding it. I shoulda waited for more but i went in and died. And by that time now, he had gotten some of his own air. I'll know next time though.
The worst is when doing 3v3 matched in random team getting players that have downs and do things like build 4 zealots in 40mins.
Well. Another crappy night of sc. It really really gets under my skin. I feel like I'm doing everything right. Might even win the first battle. But nope. They always come back somehow and just own me. I must not belong in gold or something. Only way I seem to have a chance at winning is if I go vr's. But I hate going them. Ugh!..... Idk..