okay, just to let you know im still alive anyways, im messing around with the new version of phun so heres the new things i found so far -easier interface -tweaked the performance so it runs faster especially in 16 bit mode (options tab) -new pen tool which will allow you to make colored trails for moving projectiles (it leaves colored lines and fades) -new collision menu (it allows you to assign specific groups a object can hit, like it can hit group A but it will pass through group B and so on, and you can make great sceneries without things colliding at each other) -a "glue" option, kinda like fixate but with less trouble -hinges break limit (allows you to set specific tension limits to hinges before it breaks) -you can now draw straight lines when using free form (by holding shift, im not sure if u can do this in ver 3) -some physics fixes (like: make 2 circles, one bigger than the other, let them touch each other and let the big one be a motor, the little circle will be of the same rotation speed as the bigger one) -opacity (you can fade objects as well as make them invisible) so here is the download page and here is a vid showing what capabilities 4.13 has hmm.... oh and i found a neat discovery if you havent notice in the vid, you can set bounciness to a higher value that 1 just click the value of bounciness (the 0.500, click that and you can delete its value and enter a new one) set it to like 50, and whenever it hits something, it reacts with great force if you know how to harness this ability, you can make interesting weapons/etc. here is a little scene to demonstrate how (controls 4-up,1-down,7-up aiming pin,0-fire (hold in 0.100sec)) so, have phun and show us what you can do oh and i need a "side view" pic of the thor so i can render it in phun and make it fully functional
He lives! apparently we didn't do the job right the first time Screw Thor, I wanna see a Siege Tank! it's probably easier to find a mug shot of that anyway.
and i was just reading ur name on the side interface thinking the same too... its alive! its alive...