phoenixs vs. void rays

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Tossup, May 17, 2010.

phoenixs vs. void rays

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Tossup, May 17, 2010.

  1. Tossup

    Tossup New Member

    May 10, 2010
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    12 phoenixs
    1800 minerals
    1200 gas
    assuming 1 stargate: 540 seconds

    6 void rays
    1500 minerals
    900 gas
    assuming 1 stargate: 360 seconds - 2:00 mins

    as you can see from the video, 12 phoenixs completely rape 6 void rays. If you can scout that your opponent is going void ray rush, mass up on phoenixs. Even though you're not going to get 12 phoenixs by the time 6 void rays come out, i would say about 9 or 10 phoenixs could deal with 6 void rays which would cut the time building to 405 seconds. If you add the time that the void rays need to get to your base, your phoenix air army should meet up with the void rays fine.

    If your opponent continues to pump void rays, go stalkers and rape his base because most likely, there won't be that much of a ground army to defend after his initial rush anyways.

    obviously, there's going to be more focus firing on the void ray's part, but phoenixs will be focus firing more as well

    is there anything wrong with that analysis?
  2. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    If I'm Void Rushing, I usually rock two Stargates... Not sure if that's accepted or taboo, but in this situation, I could get the 6 rays out in 180 seconds.

    Plus, that's a huge chunk of time and resources devoted to a single hard counter, unless you're 1v1 against a for-sure air offensive.
  3. Tossup

    Tossup New Member

    May 10, 2010
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    if you can robo and get that observer and see those two stargates being warped, then you can still counter by producing at least 4 phoenixs with 1 stargate in 180 seconds. keep in mind that you still have gateways that should be at warp gates by now for some ground army counter attacks with stalkers.

    the only problem is that I will be on the extreme defensive. I'll be the one waiting for those void rays to come to me...and who knows how long that will be. I guess the essential part of this tech is to get that obs as early as possible.

    right now, i'm only at bronze league 1v1. :(
    Last edited: May 17, 2010
  4. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

    May 14, 2010
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    It looks to me like you need to compare 6 voids to 8 or 9 phoenix not 12. Also focus fire is a ***** and as soon as the ray gets charged say goodbye to phoenix army.
    Phoenixes that are targeted can try to retreat to break the charged up ray but no more.
  5. Tossup

    Tossup New Member

    May 10, 2010
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    well that's the thing. in that video, it's showing charged void rays falling to phoenixs which means that those phoenixs will be allowed to shoot longer. IMO, i would think that would tip it to the phoenixs.

    Also, regarding that video, 12 phoenixs vs 6 void rays, phoenixs comes at 6 on top. This would mean that the break even point would be around 8-10 phoenixs for 6 void rays.

    Minerals wise, phoenix : VR = 150:250 3/5
    gas wise: 100:150 = 2/3
    time wise: 45:60 = 3/4

    so just by these ratios, it's about .67 phoenix : 1 void ray cost wise averaging time, gas and minerals.
    on the battle field VR:phoenix = 6:9 = .66 which is about the same cost.

    add in the consideration that void rays need to take time to charge

    conclusion: given the same cost, void rays would fall to phoenixs.
  6. Keldain

    Keldain New Member

    May 14, 2010
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    And in this case, if you beat the VR rush and still have a good number of Phoenixes left over you can cripple your enemy with a Phoenix worker raid, which he'll be ill prepared for (given he's devoted so many resources to a failed rush, the raid will force him to divert resources to air defense and completely disrupt his VR production (while you can pump out a few more Phoenixes and then redirect into a proper ground army).
  7. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

    May 14, 2010
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    Overwhelming your enemy can give different results.

    Like when I had a ling vs ling duel where my opponent had only 4-5 more lings (I had about 20 and he about 25) and he killed my lings while losing less then 10 units.

    This duel needs to be tried with right numbers, this guessing game means nothing.
  8. retribution

    retribution New Member

    May 9, 2010
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    left over phoenix are also great for grav beam on key units + they'll help vs colossi. Conclusion: phoenix can scout (they're fast little htings) they can raid workers.... killing 10-15 and getting out before losing anything... and can be used strategically in combat even when the enemy isn't going heavy air. meanwhile, VR are easily countered if scouted, are more expensive, and less versatile.
    synthetic weed
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011