Hello Everyone, So yeah, I wanna extend my personal thanks to the leaders and members of the Clan for doing a great job keeping it active. I have been very stressed out and very sleep deprived since i began working and going to school at the same time. My saturdays (which i usually would spend on SC) are already jam packed from the getgo, Sundays are even more crammed with crap i have to do. But, although i am not online, i am always looking and checking in from time to time. I apologize for my inactiveness as a leader. I want to thank 2Can for his active leadership role, he has always fullfilled his duties which is why he landed a spot in Hall of Fame. I want to also thank Tink for helping out alot as well as CowOnFire. Thank you all for keeping the clan active, our clan, is truly the best clan out there. We have active members who care for one another and actually try there best to do there duties to the clan. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, you guys are worth the high electricity bill that i now have to pay xD.
Ofcourse baby, i mean look at our compition... if you can call it that... doin what i can now cause pretty soon ima need to double down on school work and get another job... so more 1v1's so i can obs today ladies
No thanks to me? I have done so much for this clan, in terms of... - Being interactive - Not idling ALL the time - Keeping up morale - Keeping noobs up to date with my cock - Picking fights with the.game - Pwning nooblets - Eating PB&J sandwhiches - Listen'n to CCR That is what I have done for you... /me cries