PC Worth it?

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Lobsterlegs, Jun 19, 2010.

PC Worth it?

Discussion in 'Computers and Technology' started by Lobsterlegs, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    I'm a PC geek, yes. But sometimes it's nice to have things varified. :)
    (I'm not an expert in older parts and AMD and their prices).

    Now, my mom needs a working PC that's good for browsing the webs and playing online flashgames (and also simple CDrom games) and watching streams, using simpler programs such as limewire. I'll be having a SC2 "LAN" so I figure I could find some thing that would support SC2 and beeing really cheap at the same time..

    I found...

    AMD 64 X2 4600+ (2,4GHz Dual Core, comparable to the Intel E5200?)
    Nvidia GF 8600 GS 256MB (I only found GTS and GT on Nvidias website tho!)
    2GB RAM (might be 4GB)

    And also:
    230GB HDD
    Win 7 Ultimate 32Bit
    DVD Drive

    Motherboard w/ sata IDE

    ...With a darn nice case.

    Price 120$

    Worth it? Supports SC2 (it should)?
  2. AlexBlaze

    AlexBlaze New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    To help you make a comparison, i have an AMD X2 3000+ (2ghz), 2gb DDR2 and a Nvidia Geforce 9600GT (512mb) and I ran SC2beta on Ultra (1280x1024) perfectly playable, that being said,SC2 might run on low-medium maybe on your PC (that's because of the video card), but for what you need it, for browsing, watching streams and flash games etc, my opinion is that it's a very good choice. Hope it helps.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2010
  3. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Well, it's not really the components I need help with.. Thanks though! I know that my mom will be happy with that monster :p.. It should run exceptionally well for her.. Nice to hear that it supports Starcraft 2 at least! The processor is a bit better than yours, although the GPU is quite sucky. I think I can pull medium low (which is quite funny because I don't really want it to run on the highest settings).

    I just want to hear that it is in fact a good price...
    I want the most bangforthebuck.. the budget is 120 so why not just buy something for 120 instead of an intel P4 with 1GB of RAM for like 50 with an ugly white chassis.
  4. AlexBlaze

    AlexBlaze New Member

    Apr 9, 2008
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    For 120$ (and for what you need it to do), it's well worth it, no doubt about that.