PC Gamer - New Zerg

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Renatus, Apr 27, 2009.

PC Gamer - New Zerg

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Renatus, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    So far, its all i could find - article apparently has an interview with Samwise where they talk about even more zerg art redesigns.

    Check some of them out here: http://i41.tinypic.com/ra6dz5.jpg

    And some bad scans of a screenshot here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=91739

    May i be the first to say that they look goddamn awsome -

    The new skin on the ultralisk looks brilliantly zerg like - shiny but terrifying. You may notice it has its horn turned to a dark black colour - while its massive cleavers appear more biological with a texture matching the unit itself.

    The new mutalisk model looks so brilliant that it almost matches its in game portrait. Texture matches it perfectly.

    The new corrupter - while it may have lost a few details, appears no less as awsome. New texture looks yet again slimy and zerglike.
  2. I heard about this issue a while ago and was wondering when it would finally come out. The new redesign happened a while ago so this is pretty much old news to me. Nice find, though! It's PCGamer's fault; not yours.
  3. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    This is the first time these unit texture/model modifications have been publicly shown.
    So im not sure where you're getting that idea from :p.

    You could be referring to the texture changes from a few months back - these however did not include the ultralisk, corrupter, or the mutalisk.

    Really, its all new - samwise even talks about how the art for the game is pretty much finished.
  4. No, it's not. It's just that it's obscure information. This article was leaked (or something) a long, long time ago (in Blizzard fan days :D) that's why everyone's already talked about it to death on other forums.

    Regardless, I've already seen this exact information.

    -- Oh! This Team Liquid post was from April 21. That's probably why I've already seen and discussed this.
  5. necromas

    necromas New Member

    Apr 14, 2009
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    Sharp and shiny is always nice, but I liked the bone white textures, especially on the Ultralisk cleavers.

    Hopefully the cleavers will go back to white!
  6. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Im a hawq on model changes with sc2. Hell, even animation changes to the slightest detail.

    I moniter 5 starcraft 2 fan sites - including the b-net forums and youtube on occasion, and i can tell you with 100% confidence that this is the first time these textures and model changes have been shown.

    The pc gamer issue you were thinking of leaked the very first ultralisk model - NOT the new texture changes etc. The changes demonstrate a new slime layer on the models which blizzard have only just started implementing - check the starcraft wire screenshots where the very first examples of this slime filter were demonstrated on the drone and overlord with purple team colour.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  7. I'm going to attempt to politely tell you that you are both wrong and you misunderstood. I was talking about this happening on April 21. What you are posting is basically old news around the internet. It just happens not to be so old here. I saw this exact same information over a week ago. That's what I was talking about when I said it's already been discussed to death. The only reason I said the article was probably leaked was because I had already seen it and you made it sound like this magazine was just released recently. Even the forum post you're linking to is almost a week old. This is not new information. Don't treat it it like it is.

    Don't let your head get too big either. I monitor the forums as well and if anything I see more than you since I've already discussed this to death on other forums. This seems to be the first time you've seen this yet I've already been bored talking about this. Don't act like you're superior in getting information.

    And, again, since you seem to keep missing this, that's because this was posted at least a week ago. In a Blizzard fan's time scale, that's incredibly old and is enough time for something to be discussed to death and become boring to read about. Just look at Battle Report 2. It's only been eleven days since it's release but it's already old. Imagine how much faster something as minute as this would get boring to talk about.

    I don't appreciate you treating me like a moron and telling me that what I'm thinking of is a leak that happened probably years ago. I'm not that dumb, obviously, since I'm usually the one that posts information here.
  8. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    That's really nice.
    And Tychus, if you saw this over a week ago, why the hell didn't you post it here then...? I only post and look here, and so do many others. I kinda trust on others to post most of this small stuff. -And before anyone flames me: yes, I mod battleforums, but never rip stuff from here and repost it there. Just keeping order there and reformatting some stuff.-
  9. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    No, it is not 'old news' around the internet, it was found on the 25th of April at team liquid and has since then been only just discussed at the battle net forums - if you are going to be inclinded to spout that its been 'discussed all over the place' then post proof of your claims or dont try and argue them.

    I said that with as little big headedness as possible.. Its not even a thing to be big headed about, its rather sad tbh xD. I was merely trying to convey that if it was indeed discussed so much ages and AGES ago then i would have most definatly noticed it. Not that i am superior to you... Dont jump to such hasty conclusions.

    Again - post proof that it was posted a week ago or be quiet.
    http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=92003 -25th of April

    Prove me wrong!

    How did i treat you like a moron? Grow up, read my posts, and dont be so sensative to jump to such conclusions.
  10. *facepalm*

    Your own link proves exactly what you're trying to get me to prove. Why would I bother doing another pointless prove? That information was posted on the 21st. I'm through with this portion of this topic. Don't bring it up anymore.

    I don't know why you're so defensive about this. This topic needed to be brought to this forum anyways. You did a service and I even thanked you. I don't know why you think I'm saying these things in a way that would need such defensive behavior (and you call me sensitive :D)

    And, yes, you did treat me like a moron by assuming (actually, by telling me) that what I'm getting confused with was something that happened about a year or longer ago. Assuming that I'm so stupid that I would confuse a few days ago with many months ago is basically calling me an idiot.

    @Aurora: Because I post on so many forums that I forget which ones have which information. The only time I can remember to post on all of the major ones are ones in which I find the information first myself. Regardless, though, I'm usually able to keep them straight and get the information to this forum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2009
  11. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Grow up yourself Renatus...

    I normally never react to members bashing each other, but you are just making a mess of your own thread now. Just say what you have to say and then please stop, this is going nowhere. You are both good posters -although Tychus is indeed the one who posts more news-, and now you guys let something so small mess it up. What a waste.
  12. Yes, this is an important topic and I don't want it destroyed. So, please, just get back on-topic.
  13. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Posted : Chuiu ----->April 25<----- 2009 06:54. Posts 1825
    Says 25th, did you catch that?

    Yet again you refrain from posting the evidence
    Dont leave the topic so soon without backing up your point.

    I offered a logical explanation why perhaps you might be confusing the models with older ones, that doesnt make you a moron and it doesnt mean im implying you as a moron. I am quite confident and always have been that you are aware of the passage of time. No harm was meant at all.
  14. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    No. All i did was post politely that there may be a mistake and that i am fairly vigilant in such respects - while posting evidence and he starts name throwing.

    Dont you DARE tell me to grow up when you clearly cannot gather that it was his missinterpretation of a polite post that started this off. And by no means MY fault. If you cannot grasp such a simple thing then you its a darn good thing you dont react to such arguments at all.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  15. I'm talking about this, obviously:


    April >>>21<<< 2009 05:28

    Also, if I don't "leave" this topic now (I'm not leaving; just ignoring the bull part of this topic) then this topic will be closed or heavily moderated. Neither of which is good for getting this information out and discussed.

    @Aurora: I'm definitely going to be more orderly in how I get information to the various forums so that pointless hang-ups like this can be avoided. I just kind of assume that someone will eventually get the information to each of the forums. This habit started when my interest in StarCraft 2 information was greatly waning but now my interest has been restored so there's no reason to maintain habits like this.

    My fault, Aurora :(

    -- Also, I was name throwing? Are you serious? Either way, show your maturity and just let it go. I have and that's why I'm "leaving".
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2009
  16. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Renatus, please stop now.

    On the topic: the only complaint that I still have now is the Ultralisk. The white claws appeared a lot stronger to me, resembling a bone-like structure. A flesh look makes it look fragile and flexible. Also, no creature that I can think of has flesh over parts that are supposed to cut and slice. So this makes the unit look unnatural, which cannot be good for a fully biologic race. Hmm, I will include this in the other thread later.
  17. I agree with everything you said, Aurora. I've always thought of the Ultralisk as a powerful mutated Elephant in a way. Having white bone blades is part of that and, like you said, makes it look much more powerful.
  18. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    For gods sake man, that may very well be from the same PC gamer issue and that picture may very well be from the 21st but YOU know very well that that isnt the one i was referring to. That is NOT the model showcase. Stop trying to twist this in your favour, the model showcase is NEW.

    You were wrong to blanket my post with a generalisation that it is all old, when only one picture is from the 21st. The model showcase has NOT been discussed to death, nor is it old information it is from the 25th and was the main focal point of my thread.

    You were even more wrong to get angsty with me based on your own silly interpretation of a polite post. And then try and turn this against me like im the one responsible.

    Its bull because you felt the need to blanket my good will with 'its all old' when the model showcase is clearly not old. So you're wrong. Its not old.

    Yes, i am serious you called me big headed among other things just because you are so insecure to believe i was trying to insult you. DESPITE my post being polite. This is NO fault of mine, just your silly miss interpretation and over generalisation of my thread.

    Im not going to let things slide under the blanket here Tychus, im tired of people like yourself hiding behind the ideal that a thread is going to get locked so you get off scot free.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  19. Fendi

    Fendi New Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    For me its look like an extra armor for Ultralisk and Mutalisk. But I'm kinda like the old Corrupter though, even though I'm the minority here. :p
  20. Renatus

    Renatus New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    I would you know. Im just sick of you people trying to make me out as the bad guy here. He started this bull****.

    Perhaps we should continue this in PM's? Or will it involve the same one line victories like you seem to express here?

    Yeah, i agree a boney colour matching the head spikes would be good. But we have yet to see it ingame, and if you take a careful look the claws go black like a scorpians pincers, its hard to see in the lighting.