Path of the Khala or Path of the Void

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Anubis_theDark, Oct 16, 2007.

Path of the Khala or Path of the Void

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Anubis_theDark, Oct 16, 2007.

  1. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Hello again people. Another post - this time with some protoss possible new mechanics. Now I for one miss the Citadel of Adun. It was a simbolic structure for the protoss, mostly because of the name- it was a shrine to thir great leader Adun. So i worked my damn brains to make a new purpose for the structure to return. So here it goes:

    The Citadel of Adun is an advanced structure that can be built only after the templar archive and dark obelisk are built. At first the Citadel offers the choice of 2 possible upgrades - The path of the Khala or the Path of the Void. If you chose one you won't be able to chose the other. Each upgrade has a animation - the khala upg - comes with the shrine of the templars and the void upg comes with the shrine of the dark templars - each of them appear on the blue circle in front of the citadel.

    The upgrades:

    1. Path of the Khala.
    - grants a new upgrade for the pylons - psionic energies -> the pylon field can regenerate any mechanical unit and structures ( 0.01 % /sec of the building/unit hp ).
    - grants improvements for templar units - zealot and high templar - for the zealot the dodge abillity - has 20% chance to dodge an attack and for the high templar the psionic disruptor - and abillity that causes an enemy unit to go insane attacking friend or foe alike.
    - Allows the citadel to build the Overseer.
    - grants an energy bonus upg for the overseer - Energy Core upg.

    The Overseer
    - hovering medium sized unit. ( about the size of an archon )
    -hp : 50 ; shield: 50 ; armor : 1 ; energy : 200 ; dmg : 8 ; range: 5 (same as dragoon) ;
    - Abillites : Psionic Regeneration Aura - slowly regenerates hp of organic units such as zealots or templars/dark templars.
    Call to War - the overseer can harvers the energies of dead templars ( only zealots high/dark templars ) and store them - can store up to 10 souls at once. Then he can create a dragoon like unit from 2 souls. Each dragoon requires 50 energy so he can only make 4 dragoons before running out of energy. The dragoon is a weaker version of the SC1 dragoon.

    -hp : 60 ; shield : 80 ; armor :1 ; dmg :15 ; range 6 (as an upgraded dragoon).
    - is mechanical so it can be regenerated if damaged.

    2. Path of the Void.
    - grants new upg for the dark obelisk - the Void Aura - generates an aura with the same range as the stalker that damages any enemy units inside it ( 2 dmg/sec ). If there are more units inside they all get damaged.
    - grants new upgradable abilites for the stalker and dark templar. For the stalker - the Phase Field - generates a field arround the unit that reduces 15% of incoming damage. For the dark templar - Essence of the Void - once casted on an enemy unit it reduces that unit's armor by 2 points.
    - allows the citadel to build the Shadow Blade.
    - grants an enrgy bonus upg for the shadow blade - Dark Energy Core upg.

    The Shadow Blade
    -hovering medium sized unit.
    -hp: 60 ; shield: 60 ; armor: 0 ; energy - 200 ; dmg: 10 ; range: 6
    -Abillites : Control Mechanics - can take control of a mechanical unit at a time. Can only control another mechanical unit after the one already controled is dead. requires 125 energy.
    Deconstruct - can only be casted on an enemy structure - warps the structure's materials of the map, practicly slowly deconstructing that structure - only works on mechanical structures ( zerg structures not included ). Requires 125 energy.

    Why ? - well first of all it would bring more mechanics and would also bring more uniqness to the dark/light templar thing. Also brings a greater depth to the possible protoss strategies.

    This is it. So what do you guys think?
  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    nice idea!
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    this is awesome, really great drawing(s) too. :powerup:
  4. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    great idea, well thought out and all that.

    The templar upgrade seems much better than the dark templar upgrade.

    Also, making those dragoons should cost more souls and should cost suppy.

    Furthermore, although a great idea, it gives quite an edge for the protoss, terran and zerg need something to catch up
  5. Vindicatormsc

    Vindicatormsc New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    it's a really nice idea and adds very good to the lore.but really,the high templar upgrade is so much better than the dark templar one it's not even funny.the aura upgrade should go to the pylons,and damage only enemy units.also,the Shadow Blade should have a plague-like skill,called Atom Warper

    Atom Warper:
    100 energy
    slowly removes the atoms of enemy units and structures from this plan of existence,scattering them across the void.this abillty would cause around 270 damage to buildings and units alike,but would not kill them.

    and the deconstruct ability...i didn't really understand what it slows down construction rate,or just causes damage to the building ??
  6. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    The zerg and terran would only need another support unit. I am thinking of new mechanics for them as well, but for now i'l give the protoss my full attention. The damageing aura of the obelisk as i thought of it did damage only enemies, as for the difference between the 2 upg i don't think so. The templar one is a defensive upgrade - the pylons can repair while the overseer can heal and reanimate dead templars. Same for templars - the zealot gains a defensive ability, while the high templar gains a last resort abillity - make a unit mad. The Dk Templar upg ismore of an ofensive one - the obelisk can damage all enemies arround it in a verry considerable area, while the shadowblade cripples an enemy medium and high tire armie with the mech control ( just imagine that you have 3 shadow blades you take control of 3 thors and then see what happens ), while the deconstruction can act as a verry powerfull abillity - imagine that at one point you have a planetary fortress - deconstruct it and the road is clear. Also the DT abillity is an offensive one - reduce the enemy armor and you gain more dmg, while the stalker's new abillity has bouth defensive and ofensive support - reduced dmg means a longer use for that unit. The dragoon does cost supply, it is the one thing i forgot to add there - my bad' - costs 2 supply and i'd say that he is weak enough to be made out of two souls - it's about half as powerfull as the old dragoon. So does the overseer and shadowblade - each cost 3 supply points.

    -deconstruct - destroyes an enemy structure within a few seconds - has an animation in wich you see how that structure gets warpd-out.
  7. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    d00d....You should have entered this in the unit contest.
  8. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    It isn't a unit suggestion thouhg. It is a mechanic suggestion. The units could have been subbmited though.

    It is an iteresting idea but it seems too similar to factions to not just go with a faction idea.
  9. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    the dark templar armor reduction is very small indeed, 2 armor? When he deals 40 damage?

    Not enough, and there's no negative armor in star craft.

    Imo, being able to attack 2 units at the same time with some splash, or faster attack rate and faster movement speed or something.

    Also the Dark Templar special unit aint that great. Sorry, but mech control? Only vs terran? No use there...its like the Dark Archon, you never saw Mind Control being that used...why would mech control be?

    And for the building warp out, idk it doesnt seem all that intimidating, and if it kills the building from 100% to 0 and destroys it, than thats too powerful, since you can use phase prisms, and just warp in one at each base, cast it on the main building, nexus, CC, hatchery and gg mister.
  10. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    I agree. It should be a faster move speed IMO, akin to Zealots upgraded.
  11. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    guys my abillites are subject to change. I pointed out possible abillites. The mech control would work on any mechanical unit protoss or terran and from my point of view it's a verry strong abillity since if an enemy has a small force with a few thors or colossus units they are toasted. Also the deconstruction is not verry powerfull- lets be serious in order to reach a verry important structure you must first fight a good defence and army - but if you do make it to that structure than is worth the effort. But again what improvements they would bring nd what new abillites is subject to change. I made up some abillites to point out a new possible mechanic useing the citadel of adun. The only abilites that i would want to see ingame are the pylon reg field and the overseer's abillites with the overseer.
  12. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    thats fine, im not saying the idea is bad, im just pointing out weak spots in the balance.

    Taking control of units should cost 200 mana, it shouldnt be able to take more than one for such a small unit.

    As for the building warp out, it should have X damage, you cant just click and forget, maybe 500-600?
  13. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    the deconstruction is an abillity that requires the shadowblade- if the shadow blade is destroyed the warping of that structure is stoped and the structure recives dmg according to how much of it was warped - think of it as the undead unsummon abillity in a way but cast on an enemy structure. Also the mech control requires the shadowblade - again if the shadow blade is destroyed the unit returns to its side. So it's not a fpermanent mind control but one that can be taken out.
  14. Z-BosoN

    Z-BosoN New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    I liked the amount of thought and work you put into this. It also isn't too bad of an idea. I liked the drawings. :good:
  15. Patuljak

    Patuljak New Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    You could just make a bunch of shadowblades and warp out a whole enemy base.
  16. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    England, United Kingdom
    d00d! that is awesome!!!!!!!! :powerup: for you for great drawing and great idea!
    Your ideas always amaze me! i might send you minerals...
  17. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Yes you could but it would take a lot to do so : first of all - the deconstruction takes a time to warp out the structure ( say it would take out about 5% of the structure's hp / sec ) and also is a channeled abillity - wich again means if during it's casting the shadowblade is destroyed the structure will no longer be worped but only have the already warped hp as damage. Same for the mech control - they are bouth channeled abillites - kill the caster while they are being cast and the effect is no more. Also the enemy must be a complete retard to let you'r shadow blades take out his base and not attack them while they cast the damn abillity. As i said these units are specialized support, noy forward assault. They need an army to fight the enemy while they do their job.
  18. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    ah, i didnt know they were channeled, than its fine.

    I still find the Khala way a bit better.
  19. PhantomFF

    PhantomFF New Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    To be honest I'd make the Path of the Void just have a medium sized AoE building cloak...I've always enjoyed the idea of protoss being able to warp thier cities/bases out of the sight of most people. However I'm also sure that this one is just a tad bit overpowered ;), controling the size of the field to manageable proportions would lend some idea of control to the situation however (aka making the cloaking field about the size of the current motherships time lapse)
  20. Anubis_theDark

    Anubis_theDark New Member

    Sep 6, 2007
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    Non of them is better. They work good in different strategies. In a game against the terran or protoss, the void upg would work better. Even though they are channeled if the shadowblades have support they can cripple the enemy army with the mechanized control. While if they manage to get to a large structure such as the Plant. Fortrss. they are really worth the effort. The DT armor negation ( i thought of it a little and i think it should take out that units armor points - all of 'em ) would allow him to do even greater dmg to mechanized units with greater armor while the staker could take alot more damage.
    The khala upg would be more usefull against a zerg enemy - you can heal your forces and at the same time summon dragoons on the battlefield to answer to the zerg swarming army. The zealot's dodge would allow them to take more of those ugly zerglings while the high templar could psihicly destroy the mighty ultralisks ( it's an abillity that only works on organic units ) and make them kill half their own army.
    As for the medium sized AoE cloack field - the mothership already has that - so from me it's a big no - plus a large damageing field works alot better - consider the fact that it attacks all enemy units inside it not just one.
    So none of them is better than the other. But they are usefull in different game strategies. It would only depened on the player how powerfull they can really be. And this would open up new strategies and add alot to the gameplay.