Patch Problems

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Adantheangel, Jul 27, 2010.

Patch Problems

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Adantheangel, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. Adantheangel

    Adantheangel Guest

    Hi All, i am trying to get SC2 to work, it has downloaded one patch, and now is trying to download the next, it gets to 15% then hangs. I have tried this with Ports forwarded and firewalls off. THis happened in the beta, and the workaround was to download manually the patch and dump it in the correct spot, restart the installer:) and hey presto it worked. However there are no mirrors for this patches yet, can some one with a working version post these patch downloads, thanks
  2. Uberazza

    Uberazza Guest

    The exact same thing is happening to me. there seems to be no solution. The torrent updater is a piece of ****.

    There is no direct download for it ither. Have had the game for a day and unable to play it. Sucks big time.
  3. Adantheangel

    Adantheangel Guest


    Hi, well i spoke to Support, and their final suggestion was to remove totally my anti virus stuff(uninstall it), try the patch and re load the anti virus stuff, according to them a "hang of 15%" or less means the computer is still trying to establish contact with the server. Anyway risky move, but it worked. Hope this helps others.
  4. Ciaran

    Ciaran New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    No mention of a direct download for the patch? :(
  5. Adantheangel

    Adantheangel Guest

    Nope sorry no mention of a patch
  6. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    You can find a mirror of the first patch in this thread here.

    May also provide other useful information.