Not entirely agree, damage is good now already, though i am a protoss player and really dont like any nerfs, but they been getting nerfed with every patch. They need that colossus to kick ***, its has easy counters, so i dont get why they picking on colossus, its a heavy ground unit that is so volnureble, I rarely see carriers in 1vs1, maybe they are trying to encourage players to use them more? what do you guys think?
The collosus have not been nerfed. The damage ratio and speed have just changed. I will not be able to judge whatever a speed improvement with a damage worsening can change the output, but a hit and run tactic is harder now.
You can say that for the High Templar, Ultralisk and Hellion as well.. Making balance changes that nerfs some units (like the collosi) just becuase players in general never ****ing build the units needed to counter them or use any other unit for that matter doesn't make up for it! At platinum I rarely see the perfect use of all the units..
i think this makes them even more specialized against light units. same DPS, but shoots more often = better targeting and splash. more damage is useless against small units with low HP, as all that extra damage would be going to waste. and iirc, the upgrade numbers stay the same, so an upgraded colossus will be dishing out MORE dps than the old one.
No one uses them because the Void Ray is practically better in every way and cost less and easier to build. I've taken out entire bases and armies only using about 10 Rays. Once that many get to their second damage level, almost nothing can stop them. Whenever an enemy is toss, I always get my own rays because I assume they will get them too. Stalkers and Sentries pretty much melt against rays if they get to their second damage level before they can engage, so air is usually the only thing that can get to them before they reach that level. IMO, warpray was what needed to be nerfed, make it have a weaker second level attack against units. I've lost so many times to rays with terran/zerg because almost nothing my ground army can produce wins. You need like 5+ thors so take out a group, and zerg air doesn't fair too well to them as well.
cost for cost they still do far better. if you didn't scout and had zero marines and could only pump out a couple while your opponent tore through your base with void rays, that's your fault for not scouting. but even 3 marines per void ray will be enough to chase them off, 4 marines per void ray would destroy them... and keep in mind void rays cost 250/150.
hard to scout in 2v2 when people always wall off first thing. So I always assune toss are going rays. Problem is they are hard to engage without my own air units because a good player will only attack with rays near ledges, where they can escape before the rines can do enough damage. On maps like Twilight Fortress, all bases have ledges near them, so rays can easily snipe a CC/Nexus/Hatch and retreat before being wiped out, if defenses aren't in place. And on this map, at least on bronze rank, most people tend to tech in bases, so when void rays attack, terrans would have very few marines to fight with, having gone for fact/air units.
AKA it is your fault for not altering your build to suit conditions. I have very rarely seen a low lvl player, especially the toss, wall off so early you couldn't see them making two gasses. after that you know they are teching so you should either push early or get ready for basically anything. ntm vikings are great V void rays.