Hey guys, Im newbie in SC2 and new on this forum but i have already found a lot of useful stuff here! thanks!! I have started playing SC2 few days ago. Right now im in Silver league. Tonight i played with a protoss player (i play toss too) and he went for mass void rays strategy + some phoenixes. I saw him with observer so i started to make a stalkers and immortals but he defeated me. My question is what i had to use? Shall i go to 2x Stargates and make void rays aswell and hope to tech up better? Or what is my best anti air unit? Stalker? As i said im still newbie in SC2. Any tips would be very appreciate! Have a nice day, Rasp.
1. Build Stalkers. 2. ???? 3. Profit Seriously, don't build any Immortals at all (Immortals do no shoot air units and are very expensive). If you want to be even trickier research Blink and blink away each Stalker as the Void Rays acquire them.
Going stargate yourself is also viable if you don't forget to chronoboost... Mass phoenixes beat void ray/phoenix, and with a few stalkers for a ground force you'd be fine... Robo tech is useless against air, so avoid pumping units from it...
the real answer is this: Scout, if you see them going voids, you can pwn them in the FACE with a 4gate. Better explanation: If you scout and see your opponent throw up a Stargate, they will be way behind in their early gateway unit composition. You can push with stalkers and either contain them to one base, take our their expansion, or if you're feeling ballsy, take them out then and there. If they turtle themselves into 1 base and start getting voids, throw up a pylon in their natural, get stalkers, and get to blink as fast as you can, then blink up into their base and show them that if they go for greed you'll do the deed.
As others have said, stalkers eat void rays for breakfast. My suggestion would be to learn 4-gate by heart and perfect it, as it counters the majority of cheese and quirky openings in PvP.
Just to warn you, do not engage fully charged void rays. They can lolpwn your armies. Just let them destroy that expo, wait for them to uncharge then engage. Having lots of gate can help counter mass voids. I don't think 40 stalkers are enough to counter 30 voids, so when your stalker dies you can just immediately warp in continuously to keep the number. Immediate reinforcement is another advantage of stalkers.